
zì cháng
  • word length;word size
字长[zì cháng]
  1. Z变换和Δ变换的有限字长特性研究

    A study on finite word length characteristics of Z-transform and δ - transform

  2. 本文讨论了LMS自适应噪声对消器的有限字长效应。

    The effects of finite word length in LMS adaptive noise canceller are discussed .

  3. 基于PLC的不定字长的串行通讯的研究及实现

    Research and Implementation of the Variable Length Series Communication Based on PLC

  4. 插值滤波器的DSP实现及有限字长效应分析

    Realization of Interpolation Filter Based on DSP and the Analysis of Finite Wordlength Effects

  5. DSP系统有限字长效应的分析

    Analysis of finite wordlength effects in DSP systems

  6. GPS信号FFT捕获算法的有限字长效应分析

    Analysis of Finite Word-length Effect on FFT Acquisition Algorithm for GPS Signal

  7. Logistic映射的有限字长研究

    Finite Word Length Study of Logistic Map

  8. 基于AVS的变字长解码器的设计及其FPGA验证

    Design of Variable Length Decoder for AVS and Implementation on FPGA

  9. 复FIR滤波器寄存器字长的研究

    Study of Register Word Length of Complex FIR Filters

  10. 设计有限字长FIR数字滤波器的蚂蚁算法

    Ant Algorithm for Designing Finite Wordlength FIR Digital Filters

  11. 该CPU具有17位指令长,4级流水线方式和8位数据字长。

    The CPU has 17 bits instructions .

  12. 由于有限字长的限制,使得工程应用中16点快速傅里叶变换(FFT)的结果中含有截尾噪声。

    Systemic output contains truncating noise after 16-point FFT because of finite word-length approximation to figure .

  13. FIR滤波器有限字长效应产生的特性畸变与零点分布的关系

    The Relation of Zero Distribution and Distortion Variation for Finite Reqister length Effects in FIR Digital Filter

  14. 通过对各个处理步骤迭代求精,从而引出各数据处理步骤中间运算结果及滤波系数的最佳字长及Q值。

    After iterative refinement of each processing step , the optimal word-length and Q-Value of each intermediate results and coefficients are evolved .

  15. VSP中的变字长解码器设计研究

    All Changed Research on design of variable length decoder in video signal processor

  16. MPEG-2视频解码的可变字长解码器的设计

    The Design of VLD for MPEG-2 Video Decoder

  17. 为了实现星载合成孔径雷达(syntheticApertureRadar,SAR)成像处理器小型化和实时信号处理,该文重点研究定点运算和有限字长存储引入的量化噪声。

    Quantization noise from fixed-point processing and limited word length storage affect real-time imaging and system miniaturization in spaceborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) imaging processors .

  18. 最小二乘Systolic阵有限字长运算的理论分析两种LPC参数量化及性能比较

    Theoretical analysis of quantization effects in RLS systolic array Quantization and Performance Comparison of Two LPC Parameters

  19. 另外提出了一种有效利用CPU寄存器字宽和桶型寄存器移位能力,缩减变字长编码输出运算复杂性的方法。

    We propose an algorithm to reduce the complexity of variable length code output by exploiting register width and shift ability of barrel shifter .

  20. 字长选择对于FFT捕获算法硬件实现时系统性能和资源消耗等有着直接影响。

    System performances and resources requirement were affected directly by the selection of word length when FFT acquisition algorithm was realized in hardware .

  21. AVS高清视频变长码解码器算法与电路实现基于AVS的变字长解码器的设计及其FPGA验证

    An Algorithm and Architecture of VLD for AVS HDTV Application Design of Variable Length Decoder for AVS and Implementation on FPGA

  22. 字长可重构流水线CORDIC设计

    Design of Word - width Reconfigurable Pipelined CORDIC

  23. 针对在定点DSP上的实现,对有限字长效应进行了理论分析,发现误差的方差随着计算点数线性增长,随着数据的存储字长呈指数下降。

    It is found that the variance of the error increases linearly with the number of points and decreases exponentially with the word-length of the digital signal processor ( DSP ) .

  24. 首先,详细描述了Tabu算法并给出了计算步骤;然后将Tabu算法应用于有限字长FIR数字滤波器的优化设计;

    Firstly , Tabu algorithm is detailedly described and then Tabu optimization algorithm is used to design finite wordlength FIR digital filters .

  25. 研究了基于基8算法的块浮点FFT处理器的有限字长效应问题,提出了一种基于理论统计分析的静态模型。

    This paper discusses issues of finite word-length effects in the block floating-point radix-8 FFT processor and presents a novel static model based on statistical analysis .

  26. 为此,利用DengandTang(1999)所定义的J特征值,我们定义了广义处理定义字,广义区组定义字和它们的字长型。

    Using a set of J-characteristic values denned by Deng and Tang ( 1999 ), we define the generalized treatment-defining words , block-defining words and the relative words length .

  27. 利用数理统计原理,本文分析了任意相位和线性相位结构的复FIR滤波运算器字长的计算方法。

    Using the principle of Mathematical Statistics , this paper analyses the method to calculate the word length of complex FIR filtering operators in the arbitrary phase and linear phase strutures .

  28. 该方法采用有限回溯测试模式产生方法生成测试码,采用n(机器字长)个测试码并行的单故障传播方法模拟验证测试覆盖。

    The method uses finite backtracking test pattern generation method to generate test code , and then simulates to validate the fault covering by means of parallel pattern single fault propagating method with n ( machine word ) test vectors .

  29. 减少FWL数字滤波器字长的有效方法

    An Efficient Method for Wordlength Reduction in FWL Digital Filters

  30. 通过数值计算结果表明:有限字长混沌序列的周期态和过渡态都具有正的最大Lyapunov指数,且小数据量法对有限字长效应是鲁棒的。

    The results show that both periodic and transitional chaotic sequences have positive maximum Lyapunov exponent , and the small data sets method is robust to the finite word length of the computer .