
  • 网络relict plant;relic plants
  1. 孑遗植物水杉种子萌发的生理生态特性研究

    Ecophysiological characteristics of seed germination of the relict plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides

  2. 孑遗植物杜仲的遗传多样性RAPD分析和保护策略研究

    Genetic diversity of Eucommia ulmoides by RAPD analysis

  3. 鄂西晚三叠世几种古生代的孑遗植物及其意义

    Some Paleozoic relics from the Late Triassic in Western hubei , china

  4. 孑遗植物沙冬青属的酯酶同工酶谱分析

    Spectrum analysis on the esterase isozymes of Ammopiptanthus

  5. 特有性强,共有52种中国特有植物;起源古老,有41种古老孑遗植物;

    There are 41 species of relic plants and 52 species of Chinese endemic plants .

  6. 由于较少受到第四纪冰川的直接侵袭,加之复杂的地形,优越的气候条件,重庆地区保存了大量古老孑遗植物。

    Chongqing is rarely influenced by quaternary glacier . It has complex geomorphy and superior climate .

  7. 银杏是我国独存的孑遗植物,是我国特产的著名经济树种,集果用、叶用、材用、观赏及生态防护等多种功能于一体。

    Ginkgo biloba is the sole survival plant and famous local economic species in China with an aggregative function of fruit , foliage , timber , ornamental , ecology and shelterbelt .

  8. 长白山位于吉林省东南部,是整个欧亚东大陆北半球上一个重要的植物种质资源库,保存了大量的古老孑遗植物。

    Located in the southeast of Jilin Province , Changbai mountains are an important plant germplasm resources treasury in the Eurasia in the Northern Hemisphere , where many ancient endangered plants are conserved .

  9. 银杏为第四纪冰川之后,只在我国保存下来的一科一属一种的孑遗植物,故有活化石、植物界的熊猫之称。

    Ginkgo biloba is the single species , single genus and single-family plant , only surviving in China after the Fourth Ice Period , so the living fossil and the panda in plant kingdom name it .

  10. 另外武陵源植物区系还有许多珍稀、古老、孑遗、原始植物成分。

    Furthermore , there are also lots of rare , precious , ancient , and primitive plant components .