- subsample

We consider some properties of the resampling , and related optimal subsample lengths in smooth function models .
This conclusion has also been demonstrated by the subsample of developed countries , which however is not proved by the developing countries ' . On the contrary , in the developing countries the higher the old-age dependency ratio is , the lower the outflow of international direct investment becomes .
Detection on Throat Swab Specimens of Suspected Patients with Influenza A ( H1N1 ) and Analysis on Influence Factors at Shenzhen Bay Port
Then , it selects 1098 IPO samples from 1996 to 2006 listed in A-Share market and tests their underpricing rate by dividing samples into groups and selecting return measurement methods .
In the analysis of state-owned banks sub-sample , the result show that this paper does not support the view that with the deepening of reform , state-owned banks will become increasingly cautious .
Enterovirus 71 nucleic acid detected from throat swab specimens of a pair of mother-daughter
Moreover , the differences between China Post 's EMS and the main private-owned express service are also discussed from three aspects : the service performance , the customer satisfaction and the relationship between them .
To investigate the origin , transmission , and other characteristics of SARS-CoV , we have sequenced ten SARS-CoV isolates from patient samples and viral cultures , and have analyzed these sequences in comparison with other 115 SARS-CoV sequences available in public databases .
Swab samples have been collected from 143 people of them .
Median Control Chart based on a small number of subgroups
In audience measurement , replications involve drawing subsamples from a parent sample to assess sampling error .
The people tested had gone to general practitioners with complaints of flu-like symptoms and had swabs taken for testing .
The use of subsample estimators helps to bypass the consistent estimation of the asymptotic variances of the parameter estimates .
Even though different control variables , fixed effect are added into the model , the result is also robust .
50 cloaca swab samples from infected birds were detected , resulting in positive rate of 84 % ( 42 / 50 ) .
To further test the results of multi-factor model , this paper operated sub-sample T-test , which showed the same results with the model .
Effects of ownership structure and corporate governance structure on firm value of each subsample can be displayed when regression is based on each subsample .
Instrumental variables related by a strict and outer test , sub-sample sensitivity analysis and control variables means to protect the stability of the conclusions .
In sub-sample intervals , the wealth effect is positive only in 2003-2007 interval , and it is fit for the five-year prosperous of macro-economy .
Replicate weight , which is similar with replicated sample method , gets a lot of replicated weights to obtain the estimators by computer , it is also a robust , common and effective method .
In the control of the other relevant variables , the results show that , in terms of the total samples , or samples of perspective , the cost of the non-profit management audit are not significantly correlated .
It is the descriptive statistic analyze of several swatch sorted by a few kind of standard . It shows that the level of managerial equity is very low in China and " zero managerial stock holds " is very popular .
For the problem of the small size sample usually occurring in chemical process , especially in the the subclass after classification or clustering , the solution for small size sample modeling is applied .
By the kernel mapping , the samples in the input space can be mapped into a high-dimensional feature space in which the selection processes similar to the subspace sample selection algorithm are performed .
As a conclusion , the sample use of the recovery subsystem has been given .
In this algorithm , we selected the sample-standard-deviation as the key quantization threshold in every wavelet subimage .
By replacing the dot product in the subclass convex hull sample selection algorithm with kernel functions , the proposed kernelized method is constructed .
Moreover , in order to guarantee linearity within each subspaces , this paper adopts a new fuzzy clustering object function , and utilizes immune genetic algorithm to solve the new clustering problem , which not only avoids the local optima but also is robust to initialization .
It smoothes time series through a'trous-smooth-filters , and generates trivial clusters from the obtained scale sequences , then clusters on the representative subsequences of scale sequences .
Because neural network hardly converge in the situation of mass samples , a block model of training WNN for fault location , which can greatly reduce the number of the training samples of each sub-module and make neural network converge quickly , is presented .