
  • 网络MEDIA INTEGRATION;media convergence;cross media
  1. 高校宣传中的校园媒体整合传播研究

    Research on Campus Media Integration and Communication in the Publicity of Universities and Colleges

  2. 全国对外宣传工作会议高校宣传中的校园媒体整合传播研究

    A national conference on publicizing China overseas Research on Campus Media Integration and Communication in the Publicity of Universities and Colleges

  3. JMF是一种API,可以将音频、视频和其它基于时间的媒体整合到Java应用程序和applet中。

    The JMF is an API for incorporating audio , video , and other time-based media into Java applications and applets .

  4. 社会成分是整体社会媒体整合策略的一部分。

    The social element is but one part of an overall integrated strategy .

  5. 多哈亚运会网络媒体整合报道分析&以搜狐网络报道为例

    Integrated report of Internet media in Doha Asian Games

  6. 《《全球发》》是一家媒体整合公司。

    Globodyne is a consolidator of media properties .

  7. 高校校园媒体整合及其影响

    The University Campus Media Convergence and Influence

  8. 跨媒介、跨产业的媒体整合重组,改变并影响着我国的舆论格局。

    The reconstruction of multi-media and multi-industry have already changed the old public opinion patterns in China .

  9. 多媒体系统的一个显著特征是将声音、视频、动画等连续性媒体整合起来。

    The defining characteristic of multimedia systems is theincorporation of continuous media such as voice , video , animation .

  10. 在这一发言中,我将谈到媒体整合所面临的挑战以及付费内容的经济学原理。

    In this presentation I will talk about the challenges of media convergence and the economics of paid content .

  11. 最后,本文将研究狄更斯于网际网络上以不同形式出现的现象,并解读其在媒体整合中所代表的意义。

    The final analysis concentrates upon Dickens 's works in the cyberspace , monitoring his afterlife in this cutting-edge medium .

  12. 类似的跨文类与媒体整合现象,可从狄更斯作品在不同媒体的流动中见到端倪。

    Similar restoration and hybridization can also be observed in the transformation of Charles Dickens 's works into various genres .

  13. 通过媒体整合及举办新奇的活动,这两个团队都曾给其零售商客户带来很好的效益。

    The teams demonstrated their deep capabilities and successful track records for their retail clients through integrated media and creative campaigns .

  14. 两媒体整合营销沟通方案的最优决策泛媒体时代省级卫视的整合营销研究

    Optimal decision on integrated marketing communications of two media ; A Study on Programs of Provincial Satellite TV 's Integrated Marketing

  15. 近年来文学研究日渐偏向科际整合、媒体整合的文化研究发展,然而也因此不免陷入了自我定义的危机。

    When literature tends to include all media into its field of study , it sometimes undergoes a severe crisis of self-definition .

  16. 本论文旨在研究狄更斯小说与媒体整合之间的微妙关系,藉此观察媒体整合感官的进程。论文将分为四大部分。

    This dissertation aims to analyze the delicate relationship between Dickens 's novels and the continuous consolidation of human sensory perceptions in various media .

  17. 北京数码互动是一家专门从事有线互联网和无线互联网营销、互联网应用技术开发和网络媒体整合的公司。

    IM C ( Interactive Marketing Consulting ) has been dedicating to web marketing and wireless marketing , web application development and web media integration since the company establishment .

  18. 教育现代化工程的推动和素质教育的深入发展,促使我们职业教育必须完成多媒体技术与各学科的整合,本文探讨了有关媒体整合方式和要求。

    The impetus of modernization project in education and the further development of quality-oriented education demand that a better integration of multi-media and the disciplines be accomplished in vocational education .

  19. 作者还探讨了跨媒体整合发展需要注意的问题以促进网络新闻传播事业的进一步发展。

    The author also probes into the problems , which needs much attention during the development of media-integration , in order to boost the further development of Internet media and communication .

  20. 形式的探索,内容的创新,在丰富受众的信息大餐的同时为媒体整合与发展提供了新的思路和视角。

    The form exploration and the content innovation , Newspaper-reading-program on TV enrich the information to audience in the same time provide a new idea and vision for the media consolidation and development .

  21. 具体提出了BTOB业务对传统企业的整合,.services对传统服务业的整合,网络对传统媒体的整合等。

    More details are also given on the integrations of B to B businesses and traditional industries ," . services " and traditional service industries , interned and traditional media industries .

  22. 数字时代期刊媒体的整合趋势

    Conformable trend of journal medium in the digital era

  23. 论高校校园媒体资源整合与校园宣传强势构建

    The Integration of Campus Media Resources and the Building of the Dominant Position of Its Publicity Work

  24. 重点讲解:新媒体将整合营销传播带入一个全新的发展阶段。

    New media will pu sh forward the integration of marketing communications into a new stage of development .

  25. 要做好网络和其他教学媒体的整合,组织好对学习的支持服务;

    They should integrate the online learning environment with other teaching media , and plan support services for the students .

  26. 企业要巧妙利用网络媒体,整合各方面资源化弊为利,区别对待网络媒体。

    Enterprises should also use network media , and integrate various sources to change the unfavorable into the favorable , and treat different media accordingly .

  27. 尽管数家竞争对手争相把数字媒体系统整合进中控台,但这家总部位于底特律的汽车制造商却致力于围绕人们已在使用的手机来实现相关功能。

    While several rivals rushed to integrate digital media systems into the dashboard , the Detroit carmaker focused on the mobile phones that people were already carrying .

  28. 注重现代教育与现代教育媒体的整合,集教学、科研、开发于一体,资源共享;

    Tendering the integration of the modern education and modern educational medium , gathering the teaching , science researching and developing in the integral whole , the resources shared ;

  29. 二十世纪是广播电视、报纸和英特网等各种媒体重新整合优势、互争高低的新媒体时代,媒体间的各种激烈的竞争可谓是金戈铁马,愈演愈烈。

    Twentieth century is the radio and television , newspapers and the Internet and other media re-integration advantages , the new level of interpleader the media age , intense competition between the various armored cavalry can be said , intensified .

  30. 20世纪后半叶以来,媒体革命整合了诸种力量,通过穿透隐私、摧毁距离和融化实在等方式使日常生活产生内爆。

    Since the latter half of 20 ~ th century , the medium revolution has integrated different forces and caused the implosion of everyday life via the penetration into the private spheres , the demolishing of distances and the dissolution of the real .