
  1. 媒介进化史上的新里程碑&网络媒体的研究

    A Study of Network-media & A New Milestone of Media Evolution

  2. 迅速崛起的因特网,被公认为是继报刊、广播、电视之后的第四媒体,是媒介进化史上新的里程碑。

    The rapid rise of the Internet , regarded as the fourth media following the press , radio and television , is a new milestone in the history of media evolution .

  3. 随着人类社会的发展,媒介形态在不断的发展衍变;与此同时,媒介的进化也推动着人类社会的发展。

    Along with the development of human society , the medium form is undergoing its evolvement . Meanwhile , the evolution of medium has being promoting the development of human society on the other hand .

  4. 电子杂志作为媒介环境中的新生事物,它的诞生既得益于不断发展的媒介环境又推动着媒介环境的进化。

    As a new thing in the media environment , its birth thanks to the evolving media environment and its birth also drives the evolution of the media environment .

  5. 该部分将进化论的对象设定为媒介演进中的典型&语言媒介,以期通过对语言媒介每个发展阶段的剖析来展示语言媒介的整个进化历程。

    This part will set the typical media , language media as the object of evolution , and hope to show the evolution of language media through analyzing the development of language media in every stage .