
  1. 设备厂商们(appliancevendors)将治理看成Web服务安全以及他们所拥有的媒介功能。

    Appliance vendors saw Governance as Web Service Security plus whatever mediation functions they had .

  2. 电子杂志是迄今为止最大程度上整合多种媒介功能的媒介工具,它利用多媒体技术,集动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    E-magazine is so far the largest extent and the functional integration of a variety of media tools . It uses multimedia technology , set Flash animation , video clips , background music , sound effects or even 3-D effects such as integrated , rich content lively .

  3. 第三章主要研究直投杂志的定位和媒介功能。

    The third chapter mainly analyzes its orientation and medium function .

  4. 全球化进程中新闻媒介功能的变异

    Functional Variation of News Media in the Course of Globalization

  5. 服装的媒介功能及其相应形态的开发与设计

    Clothing Medium Function and Its Corresponding Form Development and Design

  6. 民族精神与新闻媒介功能实现

    National Spirit and the Realization of News Media Function

  7. 如媒体经营的市场化、媒介功能的娱乐化以及记者自身职业形象的负面化等。

    The change of the media function and the reporter 's influence on the public .

  8. 在这样一个信息爆炸的年代里,展示活动强大的媒介功能也愈发凸显。

    In the era of knowledge explosion , the strong media function of display events is becoming increasingly conspicuous .

  9. 本文主要探讨中国文化与媒介功能重心移动的关系。

    This paper mainly discusses the relationship between Chinese culture and the movement of the focus of media functions .

  10. 民族精神也是新闻从业人员的精神支柱,保证新闻媒介功能实现。

    The national spirit is also the spiritual support for the news practitioner , guaranteeing the news media functions to be realized .

  11. 本文立足马尔库塞“单向度”理论的批判视角探析网络媒介功能。

    This paper attempts to explore the role of Internet media using the critical theory of Herbert Marcuse about " one-dimensionality " .

  12. 大众媒介功能理论认为,大众媒介在形成、维护和改变一个社会的刻板成见上也拥有强大的影响力。

    Mass media functional theory states that mass media are equipped with strong force on the formation , maintenance and transformation of social prejudice .

  13. 第二,媒介功能的实现应以受众为最终出发点,增强其互动性与参与性,使用时间相比传统媒体更加自由,对媒体内容的选择性更加个性化。

    Secondly , Function of the realization of the media should be the starting point for the final audience , Improve the interactive and participatory .

  14. 少儿期刊具有特定的媒介功能:顺化认知功能、内化助长功能、美化娱悦功能、优化设计功能、信息传播功能。

    Juvenile periodicals are provided with special media function , including cognition function , furtherance function , amusement function , optimization function and function of diffusing information .

  15. 最初行使交换媒介功能的货币,从少量使用发展为大量流通,其作用也逐步加强。

    As the medium of exchange , the quantity of currency is from a small amount into large numbers in circulation , and its function has gradually strengthened .

  16. 同时,作为网络族群化现象的主要生成原因,对其进行研究也将对媒介功能理论研究有所增益。

    Meanwhile , as the main forming reason of the survival mode of the ethnic group , to research it would provide some help of the media function theory .

  17. 文化研究的葛兰西转向对大众媒介意识形态功能研究的影响

    Influence of " Gramsci Shift " of Cultural Studies on Ideological Functions of Mass Media

  18. 简单的说,新闻发布系统就是充当一个网络新闻媒介的功能。

    In short , the press release system is to act as a network function of the media .

  19. 新闻改革的终极目标是促进社会的健康发展。从媒介生态功能理论的视角来看,相对完善的媒介生态系统对于社会的健康发展极为重要。

    The ultimate purpose of journalist reform is to promote social development , which requires a relatively perfect media ecosystem .

  20. 从文学媒介场功能构成的视角来看,讨论不同类型媒介与文学的关系及不同文学媒介的功能问题,梳理媒介场中不同类型媒介的关系,探讨了不同媒介对文学的承载方式。

    Through the function constitution of the literary media field , discussion the different between literature medium and different literature medium function .

  21. 在表现和参与全球化的进程中,新闻媒介的功能正发生着变异,最突出的就是娱乐功能的极度放大和扩张与环境监视功能的削弱和危机,以及非真实建构世界。

    In the course of globalization , function of news media is changing . Function of entertainment is being magnified and expanded remarkably .

  22. 传播媒介的功能不应仅限于娱乐,还有更重要的信息传播、文化传播等功能。

    The function of the media should not be limited to entertainment , information dissemination and more importantly , cultural transmission and other functions .

  23. 更多地发挥建设用地的使用功能、媒介融资功能和担保功能,更大的发挥土地的作用,加快我国社会主义市场经济的建设。

    Let it displays the using-function of the construction of land-use rights , the medium financing function and the guarantee function to speed up our country socialist market economy .

  24. 拼贴是我创作中一个核心的因素和基本的方法,但它却是超越了作为手段,象征和媒介的功能和意义。

    Collage remains a core element and a fundamental method . In fact , it in my work is beyond the function and meaning of material , symbol and medium .

  25. 在我国计划经济时期,经济运行靠政府的指令性计划,政治上实行以阶级斗争为纲,社会和个人对信息几乎没有太多的需求,因此那时新闻媒介的功能主要是宣传。

    During planned economy period , economic practice had been guided by the commanding government plans , and class struggle had dominated the political life , there was almost no demand for information .

  26. 以文化的变化为背景,媒介的功能重心经历着从政治教化传承,到经济功能的放大,再到协调沟通功能的加强这样一个移动过程。

    Changes to cultural background , the media function from the center of a political indoctrination heritage , the economic function of amplification and then to strengthen the functions of a mobile communication process .

  27. 伴随着手机用户群体的不断增大,手机载体作为媒介的功能已经逐步进化,不断增强的手机功能带来了手机传播的飞速发展,也带来了第五媒体时代。

    With the growing group of mobile phone users , mobile phone carriers as a function of the media have been gradually evolved , and constantly enhance of the mobile phone capabilities has brought the rapid development of mobile communication and also the " fifth media " era .

  28. 媒介议程设置功能的心理学观点

    A Psychological Perspective to the Agenda Setting Function of Mass Media

  29. 这些变化归根结底是媒介载体技术功能进步的结果。

    All these changes are in the final analysis , the results of technology progress of medium carrier .

  30. 从而以效应表面为映射媒介实现了功能到结构的快速稳定映射。

    Therefore , through Effect Surface , " function - structure " rapid and stable mapping was achieved .