- 网络Baby Boomer;Baby Boom Generation;boomers;baby boomer generation

Kenneth Johnson is a professor of sociology at the University of New Hampshire.He told the Associated Press that the number of counties with natural decrease is rising not only because there are fewer births than deaths in those areas.He said another reason is an increase in the number of deaths among " baby boomers . "
Alternative explanations for the outflows are not hard to find , from baby boomers switching to fixed-income investments , to investors scarred by the financial crisis and recession .
Although in many ways Blair has lived a quintessential baby boomer 's life , there is an air of loneliness and detachment about him .
The baby boomer generation is beginning to hit retirement2 age , and companies must prepare for what could be a major exodus3 .
millennial DQ for Gen X and boomer EQ.
But now , some Generation Xers and younger baby boomers are quietly refusing to have their midlife crises the old-fashioned way .
But first , what besides youth sets millennials apart from their elders - the wizened silent generation , the graying boomers , the midlife Gen-X'ers ?
Like American baby boomers in their youth , they assume a pay rise is around every corner .
Eighty percent of Gen X reported using the phone in the bathroom , as did 65 percent of Baby Boomers and 47 percent of the Silent Generation .
Almost 80 million strong , this generation was supposed to be retiring in droves right about now , opening up lots of opportunities for Gen X up-and-comers like yourself .
An estimated 12 percent of millennials say they are " faithful vegetarians , " compared with 4 percent of Gen X'ers and 1 percent of baby boomers , according to one study .
There are now four distinct generations in the workforce : Gen Z ( interns ), Gen Y ( employees ), Gen X ( managers ), and Baby Boomers ( executives ) .
McKinsey estimates that US companies will need to fill 34m net jobs between 2005 and 2015 as baby boomers retire .
Consider : 84 % of 18-to-29-year-olds say they 'd date a coworker , versus 36 % of Gen Xers ( ages 30 to 45 ) and only 29 % of Boomers ( 45-65 ) .
The two groups of the population that are growing fastest are the over-55s and the so-called echo boomers , the grandchildren of the baby-boom generation .
Since the number of Gen Xers is too small to fill all the corner offices vacated by retiring boomers who are turning 65 at a rate of 10,000 a day many millennials like you are stepping into management jobs .
Many of them , just on the cusp of retirement , saw their investment portfolios pounded , as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 53 % from Oct. 9 , 2007 , to March 6 , 2009 .
Baby boomers , in many cases , were blindsided by the recession and its effect on their retirement plans , says George Vozikis , director of the Institute for Family Business at California State University in Fresno .
As a result , boomers have become more anxious to hold on to whatever they have left , says Gabriel Cheong , a divorce attorney with Infinity Law Group LLC in Quincy , Mass .
True , these Don 't Worry , Be Happy suggestions are almost always issued by out-of-the-loop baby boomers who do not text , are not on Facebook , hate email and would never dream of owning a smartphone .
Back in East Hampton , Solomon may be leading fellow baby boomers into a new dawn of technology-enabled home rental , but that is one site that he won 't be using to list his island .
The quest for a mental fountain of youth , pursued by baby boomers who fear that their bodies will outlive their brains , and who have deeper pockets than Juan Ponce de Le ó n , has created a billion-dollar industry .
Dear F.C. : It 's true , Millennials are quicker to jump ship than any other generation of employees , especially Baby Boomers .
In both Europe and the US this one-off shock is compounded by demographic pressures that are increasing budgetary pressures , as the baby-boomers begin to retire .
Not surprisingly for a company in the benefits business , Ceridian LifeWorks offers its employees flextime , a generous EAP , and other support for caregivers .
The playlist does reveal a rather narrow range of babyboomer tunes .
These figures may rise further as the baby-boomers age .
Retirement for boomers will last longer than retirement for their parents .
was over run by nearly half million baby boomers .
Still , his customer base skews toward baby boomers or older .