
  • 【法】validity of marriage
  1. 男女结婚不仅创设夫妻身份关系,在经济生活中也要发生财产关系,财产关系成为婚姻效力的重要组成部分。

    Property relationship was becoming an important part of the validity of marriage .

  2. 我国婚姻效力制度的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on Chinese Marriage Effective System

  3. 然后论述了我国承认事实婚姻效力的必要性。

    And then discusses the effect of our recognition of the need to de facto marriage .

  4. 夫妻财产制既是婚姻效力的一项重要内容,也是近现代家庭财产制的重心所在。

    This system is not only an important part of marital effectiveness , but also the focus point of modern family-property-system .

  5. 按照经济分析法学的法律目的观,婚姻效力制度应当符合效率的要求。

    According to the legal purpose view of law science of economic analysis , the system that the marriage is effective or invalid should accord with the demands for efficiency .

  6. 其四,对仅欠缺结婚形式要件的事实婚姻效力呈立法空白;离婚诉讼中的补办结婚登记可操作性不强;未对非法同居作出规定。

    Fourth , only the lack of formal requirements of marriage was the fact that the effectiveness of legislative gaps marriage , divorce proceedings , " Marriage Recording " operability is not strong , does not make provision for illegal cohabitation .

  7. 婚姻的效力与公序良俗&从两起婚姻实例谈起

    The Legality of Marriage , Public Order and Good Customs

  8. 就婚姻的效力与公序良俗的关系而言,近些年来出现的某些引发轰动和争议的婚姻,无疑可以成为我们研究时能够引用的典型事例。

    Although the effect of marriage involves many factors , the special marriages appearing in recent years and causing sensation can be used as typical examples in regard to public order and good customs .

  9. 本文在探讨热点之外,对容易被学者忽略但又十分重要的同性婚姻域外效力问题进行探讨,并提出解决意见。

    In this paper , besides exploring the hot spots , there are some discussions about the issue that is very important in the same-sex marriage and easily overlooked by scholars . Furthermore , a proper suggestion is proposed .

  10. 通过比较法考察,得出如下结论:即有条件承认和赋予事实婚姻法律效力,为已具有事实婚姻关系当事人提供法律救济手段是各国的普遍做法。

    By comparison study , reach the following conclusion : that is conditional recognition and empowerment of de facto marriage legal effect , as a de facto marriage has been to provide a legal relationship between the parties means relief is the common practice in all countries .

  11. 刍议少数民族地区事实婚姻的法律效力

    A Brief Analysis on Legal Effect of De Facto Marriage in Ethnic Areas

  12. 夫妻一方婚前财产,是指在婚姻关系发生效力以前夫妻一方已经享有所有权的财产。

    The pre-marital property of one spouse , it means that the spouse had got ownership of the property before marriage relation becoming effective .

  13. 在此情况下,就如何在少数民族地区确保我国婚姻立法的效力而又充分尊重各少数民族的婚姻制度和风俗习惯的问题进行探讨是十分必要的。

    Under this condition , it is quite necessary to have a deeper study on how to ensure the enforcement of Marital Law in regions of minorities while the marital systems and customs of different minorities are fully esteemed .

  14. 接着,在该部分唐代婚姻成立的法律效力中研究了两个小问题,一是婚后身份地位和生活状态的变化,一是婚后双方权利义务的内容。

    Then , the legal effects of marriage in the Tang Dynasty , two minor problems in the study , first , marriage status and living conditions change , first , the content of marriage rights and obligations of both parties .

  15. 不能以结婚登记程序瑕疵为由撤销婚姻登记,婚姻的效力也不因为结婚登记程序的瑕疵而受影响。

    The registration of marriage cannot be canceled by the defects of marriage registration procedure , and marriage validity also cannot be influenced by it .

  16. 而法律上的重婚须经法院宣告才能确定该婚姻自始不发生婚姻效力。

    In the case of legal bigamy , however , the marriage is ascertained to be invalid only after the court 's adjudication .

  17. 有的国家承认同性婚姻具有与异性婚姻同等的法律效力,更多的国家则只是通过《家庭伴侣法》赋予同性伴侣部分异性婚姻配偶享有的权利。

    In some countries , homosexual marriage is admitted in law the same as heterosexual marriage , but most states only published " Family Companion Law " to give homosexual partners partial rights and interests for heterosexual married spouses .

  18. 最后提出对事实婚姻的立法建议,以及对事实婚姻效力的设想。

    Finally , the facts of the legislative proposals of marriage , as well as the fact that the effectiveness of the idea of marriage .

  19. 本章主要结合现有实体法中对婚姻登记中的程序性瑕疵及实体性瑕疵效力及处理规定不足的现状,总结归纳这两种瑕疵婚姻登记的效力及对婚姻的影响。

    This chapter combines the existing entity law on marriage registration in procedural flaws and substantive flaw effectiveness and provisions for insufficient current situation , summarized the two defects of marriage registration effectiveness and influence on marriage .

  20. 自新《婚姻法》、《婚姻登记条例》颁布实施后,人民法院在审理涉及婚姻的案件时,已将其作为确定婚姻效力的重要依据。

    Since the " Marriage Law " and the " Marriage Registration Ordinance " was promulgated , the courts have treated them as an important basis for determining the effectiveness of marriage when they hear cases related to marriage .