
  1. 因加卡尔博尼(IngaCarboni)是威廉玛丽学院梅森商学院(CollegeofWilliamandMaryMasonSchoolofBusiness)一名助理教授,她禁止学生将手提电脑与手机带入自己的课堂。

    Inga Carboni , an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary Mason School of Business , has banned laptops and mobile phones in her classroom .

  2. 同样,有些大学和研究生院(威廉与玛丽学院梅森商学院就是一家)还为找工作的学生提供交通补助费。

    Likewise , some colleges and graduate programs ( William and Mary 's Mason School of Business is one ) have stipends available for job-hunting transportation costs .