- Weiyi;impressive and dignified manner;suite

(1) [impressive and dignified manner]∶仪表威武严肃;军容整齐的
(2) [suite]∶指随从
enhances your height , sets off your straightness
A person in authority , with authority , speaks slowly .
A king must make public gestures for the common people .
So shall we know the angels in their majesty , after death .
He looked lively and powerful , yet virtuous .
The superb splendid building is just like a the neoclassical arch of triumph .
Increasing your stature , reflecting your eminence
Harmonious and majestic & Artistic beauty of campus rite poems in the book of songs
Strength and self-respect are her clothing ; she is facing the future with a smile .
She could not help admiring all the more the dignity and superiority of his presence even here .
A refined disposition is naturally expressed in the way a person walks , lives , sits , and sleeps .
not only like a steepy peak enhances your height , sets off your straightness , even sunshine and spring rain .
Stretched across miles of the Indian Ocean in terrifying majesty is the armada of Zheng He , admiral of the imperial Ming navy .
Though you can never judge a practitioner by appearance , this one is so impressive that you feel joyful by simply looking at him .
There were not many war poems in the Book of Songs , and all the war poems only described the grandeur of the royal troops and there was not concrete description of the battle .
Farewell the neighing steed , and the shrill trump , The spirit-stirring drum , the ear-piercing fife , The royal banner , and all quality , Pride , pomp and circumstance of glorious war !
As a powerful emperor , with countless wealth , glorious social state , power , favor and affection , none of these could have shaken her strong mind , even have drawn her attention .
He told me what she 's like , what she 's feeling and the tone of the scene , and I came up with this crazed , kind of frightening and yet authoritative type of voice .
Beside her stood Sir Henry Irving , wearing the symbols of kingship ; and there was majesty of intellect in his every gesture and attitude and the royalty that subdues and overcomes in every line of his sensitive face .
When tumultuous work raises its din on all sides shutting me out from beyond , come to me , my lord of silence , with thy peace and rest . When my beggarly heart sits crouched , shut up in a corner , break open the door , my king , and come with the ceremony of a king .