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  • 网络Jiang Hao;Ho Kang
  1. 从美国回来之后,姜浩的变化很大。

    Coming back from America , Jiang Hao changed a lot .

  2. 整整五个小时的交流会,姜浩一句话没听懂。

    During the5-hour communication , Jiang did not understand even one sentence .

  3. 那天晚上,姜浩把自己埋在被子里,哭得很伤心。

    That night , he covered himself with quilt and cried miserably .

  4. 不一会儿,姜浩发现两个同学还未离开国土,就开始用英文对话。

    After a while , Jiang Hao found two students chatting in English .

  5. 姜浩就毁在你们家太有钱了。

    Jiang Hao is ruined by your money .

  6. 姜浩有向上的愿望,但缺乏自律的意志力。

    Jiang Hao had great ambition to make progress , but he lacked self-discipline .

  7. 老师不动手,姜浩就自己掐。

    If the teacher did not do it , he would do it by himself .

  8. 从小学三年级下学期开始,姜浩就被当作特例没有参加任何一场考试。

    Since the second semester in grade three , he did not attend any exam .

  9. 姜浩终于知道,最大的冷漠不是嘲笑,而是视而不见。

    Jiang finally knew that the greatest apathy was not ridicule , but being ignored .

  10. 那几天,姜浩很压抑,没有好好吃饭。

    During those several days , Jiang felt terribly depressed and did not eat well .

  11. 姜浩没有回学校,因为他觉得那里没有谁会想念他。

    Jiang did not go to school , because he felt that no one would miss him there .

  12. 姜浩得意地撇了一下嘴,却看到其他同学都在捂着嘴,强忍着不笑出声来。

    Jiang felt happy , but soon he realized that other students were trying to hold back their laughters .

  13. 上高中之前,姜浩是“读书无用论”的拥护者,这完全是受了他的父母的感染。

    Before senior middle school , affected by his parents , Jiang Hao upheld the notion that study was useless .

  14. 真人不说假话,我们这些年赚的钱,姜浩就是两辈子也花不完。

    But to be frank , we have earned enormous money these years , which could support our son all his life .

  15. 那天回家后,姜浩把爸爸妈妈都叫回家,说了想请家教补课的决定。

    After going back home that day , Jiang told his parents that he intended to invite some tutors to help him with his lessons .

  16. 2009年3月的一天,姜浩出去吃饭时,在肯德基遇到了跟他一起去美国的李老师。

    One day in March , 2009 , Jiang went out to have lunchand met Mr Li in KFC , a teacher who went to America with him .

  17. 姜浩的悲剧告诉我们,父母的观念对子女的影响是极其巨大的,错误的观点、态度和做法很可能会毁掉孩子的一生。

    Jianghao 's tragedy tells us that the influence of parents'life concepts on their children is extremely huge ; erroneous views , attitudes and practices are likely to destroy a child 's life .

  18. 回国后,出于对姜浩负责任,李老师将姜浩在国外的表现,向姜春阳作了详细的汇报,希望他能够以这次出国为契机,让姜浩从此以后好好学习。

    After coming back from abroad , out of responsibility , Mr Li reported to Jiang Chunyang his son 's performance and hoped that he could seize this opportunity to motivate his son to study hard .