
  • 网络surname culture
  1. 我国姓氏文化对世界各地尤其是周边国家影响巨大。

    Our surname culture has a great influence on the world esp.

  2. 姓氏文化在我国,自古以来就有着极为深厚的文化底蕴。

    Surname culture has ever since been enjoying a profound cultural meaning in China .

  3. 姓氏文化与古代法律

    Culture of Family Name and Laws in the Ancient Time

  4. 就姓氏文化答客问

    Answer Guest 's Questions on the Surname Culture

  5. 英汉姓氏文化对比

    Contrast of Surname Culture of English and Chinese

  6. 姓氏文化与古代法律家庭观的文化差异模式

    Culture of Family Name and Laws in the Ancient Time Cultural difference of family concept

  7. 气候的变迁使古羌族的先民们南迁,姓氏文化的繁荣让古羌族走向了世界。

    The prosperity of the surname culture makes the ancient Qiang people known to the world .

  8. 中国姓氏文化的郡望之源

    Origin of Chinese Surname Culture

  9. 汉俄姓氏文化比较

    On Chinese and Russian Surnames

  10. 姓氏文化源远流长,内涵丰厚,是中国古代文化的有机组成部分。

    Both of them have a long history and plump connotation as an important part of Chinese culture .

  11. 我国研究姓氏文化的历史长达两千多年,其间成果辉煌,从来没有间断过,这是我国独有的一种传统文化现象。

    We have a surname culture studying history of more than two thousand years with splendid achievement and no stop .

  12. 赐姓赐名是古代君主权力染指人名姓氏文化而产生的一种政治文化现象。

    Name-granting is a cultural political phenomenon where the ancient sovereign power gets involved in personal name and surname culture .

  13. 姓氏文化作为一门学问,将成为我国传统文化研究中的一门显学。

    On the surrounding countries . Surname culture , as an academy , will become an outstanding subject of Chinese traditional culture study .

  14. 姓名作为姓氏文化的一部分,在世界各民族中反映出不同的文化内涵和可追溯的历史根源。

    As a part of the culture , names reflect different cultural contents in different countries , and they can be traced back into the history of the country .

  15. 汉英人名姓氏的文化心态、来源与命名习俗探微

    Probing into Chinese and English Names from Cultural Mentality , Sources and Convention

  16. 华夏民族的姓氏及其文化影响

    Chinese Surname and its Cultural Influence

  17. 它包括历史文物遗迹、姓氏宗族文化、方言文化、民居文化、饮食文化、服饰文化、民俗文化、民间文艺等。

    It consists of historical interests , family development , dialect culture , habitation culture , dinning culture , garment culture , folk custom , local culture and so on .

  18. 姓氏是人类文化中标志人群血缘系统的“遗传”性符号。

    Surname is an inherited sign marking human beings ' blood relationship in their cultures .

  19. 英语民族姓氏形成的文化意义初探

    A probe into the origin of English family names from the perspective of micro-cultural implications

  20. 比较研究中英姓氏差异和文化内涵有助于跨文化交际中达到更好的的沟通和交流。

    This paper tries to explore the perspective between Chinese and English names within the cultural dimensions of Hofstede .

  21. 日本人姓氏起源及其中国文化烙印

    The origin of Japanese names and influence of Chinese culture

  22. 从姓氏来源看中英文化心理异同

    Similarities and Differences Between English and Chinese Cultural Psychology Seen From the Sources of Their Surnames

  23. 英汉姓氏差异与社会文化河南姓氏寻根活动中存在的问题及对策

    On Cultural Differences and Implications between Chinese and English Names The Question That Exists in the Family Root-Seeking Movement of Henan Prince and How to Handle It

  24. 探讨了英语姓氏和汉语姓氏各自的文化特点及其背后的文化差异,以帮助人们更好地理解英语姓氏和汉语姓氏的内涵。

    The present paper mainly focuses on different cultural features of English and Chinese family names in order to help people better understand the cultural connotations of them .

  25. 本丛书旨在整理中华姓氏文明,追寻各姓氏之来龙去脉,为广大读者和姓氏文化研究者提供一套史料考订详实、献资料丰富的通史。

    Based on the culture embodied in Chinese family names , the book , dating back to the origins of each Chinese family name , aims to provide abundant and accurate historical materials for the reader and researchers concerned .