
yāo mó huà
  • demonise
  1. 对那种只要有人不是盲目和不加质疑地支持独立,就将其妖魔化的做法,罗琳进行了及时的驳斥。

    Ms Rowling offered a timely rebuke to those who demonise anyone who is not blindly and unquestionably pro-independence .

  2. 虽然官员们喜欢妖魔化对冲基金,但可能唯一比对冲基金的存在更糟糕的,就是不存在对冲基金。

    While officials love to demonise the hedge funds , perhaps the only thing worse than their presence is their absence .

  3. 双方都开始把对方妖魔化。

    Each side began to demonize the other .

  4. 有的发展中国家被发达国家妖魔化、边缘化了。

    Some developing countries have been demonised and marginalised by developed countries .

  5. 评论家发现面条被不公平地妖魔化,因为人们将它与其他碳水化合物混在一起。

    The reviewers found that pasta had been unfairly demonized because it had been lumped in with other , more ft-promoting carbohydrates .

  6. 一名希腊记者表示,希腊公众将IMF妖魔化,他们担心IMF介入会使情况更加糟糕,斯特劳斯-卡恩对此作出了回应。

    Mr Strauss-Kahn was responding to a Greek journalist who said the Greek public are demonizing the IMF that they fear things will be worse with IMF involvement .

  7. 总部设在华盛顿的全球性金融业协会国际金融协会(iif)周三表示,20国集团(g20)应当停止妖魔化金融业以及对银行施加繁重监管,如果它们希望信贷和世界经济复苏的话。

    G20 leaders should stop demonising the finance sector and imposing onerous regulations on banks if they want lending and the world economy to recover , a global association of financial institutions said on Wednesday .

  8. 支持Rima的人说,她的成功证明了在恐怖主义盛行的今天,阿拉伯裔美国人并未被妖魔化。

    Supporters had claimed that her success in the Miss U.S.A.contest showed the true face of Arab Americans at a time when they have come under the spotlight over attempted terror attacks .

  9. 尽管如此,正如美国前国家安全顾问兹比格涅夫布热津斯基(zbigniewbrzezinski)最近所说,对于亚洲的稳定和中美关系,中国与美国“陷入日益升级的相互妖魔化”是最糟糕的结果。

    Even so , as former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski noted recently , the risk of a " drift into escalating reciprocal demonisation " with America is the worst possible outcome for Asian stability , and US-China relations .

  10. 所以神圣的女性被妖魔化,而被称为不洁。

    And so the sacred feminine was demonized and called unclean .

  11. 傅满洲&西方社会妖魔化中国的形象巅峰

    Fu Manchu : a Typical Image in Which the West Smears the Chinese

  12. 贝蒂?弗里丹这样的女权主义者妖魔化了“家务奴隶”并狠狠的鞭笞了性别歧视。

    Feminists such as Betty Friedan have demonised domestic slavery and lambasted discrimination .

  13. 但是妖魔化可以轻易转变成新的形式。

    But demonisation can easily mutate into new forms .

  14. 首先,英法两国教士将俄国东正教妖魔化为一种半异教信条。

    First , British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi-pagan creed .

  15. 搞定公共部门不能沦落为将其妖魔化。

    Fixing the public sector must not be allowed to degenerate into demonising it .

  16. 然而,在小说中,康拉德从未试图神圣化或妖魔化这对孪生兄弟中的任何一个。

    However , Conrad never attempts to idealize or demonize either one of the twins .

  17. 但是共和党人已毫无疑问地成功妖魔化健改。

    But there 's no question that Republicans were very successful at demonizing the plan .

  18. 有些时候,市场原教旨主义这种妖魔化理论的崩溃,证明了以邻为壑的经济政策的合理性。

    Beggar-my-neighbour policies are sometimes justified by the collapse of a bogey called market fundamentalism .

  19. 希腊神话中男权意识建构下的妖魔化女性形象

    The Demonized Image of Women under the Constitution of Male Right Awareness in Greek Mythology

  20. 他的名字遭到诽谤和妖魔化,我想作为一位父亲,

    To have his name slandered and demonized , I think , as a father ,

  21. 在神话西方文化的同时,对自身文化的自我妖魔化也达到了极致状态。

    While myth Western culture , our own culture 's self-demonization also achieved the acme condition .

  22. 在2009年,一个强国不是靠控制或妖魔化其他国家显示实力。

    In2009 , a great power does not show strength by dominating or demonizing other countries .

  23. 我不会把具体某个营养物妖魔化,也不会奉某个营养物为人间奇迹。

    No specific nutrients will be demonized , and none will be held up as miracles .

  24. 经济动荡之时,投机者是最经常被妖魔化的人。

    When the economy is in turmoil , no one is demonised more than the speculator .

  25. 某些外国媒体妖魔化中国,伤害了中国人民的感情和尊严。

    Some foreign media demonized China , hurting the feeling and dignity of the Chinese people .

  26. 妖魔化这个行业的特点呢,我认为还是在对未成年人的保护上,成年人的自控能力。

    Demonizing the industry characteristics , I think in the protection of minors , adults self-control .

  27. 妖魔化与权力关系再生产:国内报纸对农民工报道的内容分析

    Demonizing and Reproduction of Power Relations : Content Analysis on News about Migrant Workers on Domestic Newspapers

  28. 妖魔化中国只会让中国人愈发远离西方世界,只会加剧人民间的距离。

    The demonization of China will estrange the Chinese from the West and place distance between peoples .

  29. 在海外的中国学生和游客往往觉得,他们国家在西方被妖魔化和误解了。

    Chinese students and tourists abroad often feel that their country is demonised and misunderstood in the west .

  30. 因此,看不见的受益者和看得见的失败者就把贸易的政治经济给妖魔化了。

    So this problem of invisible beneficiaries and visible losers is one that bedevils the political economy of trade .