
  • 网络Mom Baby;Mommy
  1. 希望能给《妈妈宝宝》杂志社营销模式的改良作为一个参考,同时也为其他母婴类杂志和相关企业的整合营销传播提供有益的借鉴。

    Give improved marketing model of " Baby Mama " magazine to do a reference , and also provide useful lessons for other maternal and child class magazines and corporate integrated marketing communication .

  2. 通常,动物妈妈生宝宝或者生蛋。

    Normally , mother animals have the babies or eggs .

  3. 我们努力为妈妈和宝宝提供最好的产品。

    We strive to provide the best products for mothers and babies .

  4. 美国海洋世界在拿走逆戟鲸妈妈的宝宝之后喂给她抗焦虑药物。

    SeaWorld gives mother orcas antianxiety medications when their calves are taken away .

  5. 大象妈妈和宝宝都有长鼻子。

    Both elephant mommy and babies have long nose .

  6. 妈妈爸爸宝宝会说话

    Mom ! Dad ! The baby can talk !

  7. 当妈妈和宝宝出院后,就是另一番情景了。

    Yet once mom and baby are discharged from the hospital , the story changes .

  8. 妈妈小宝宝在哪里啊?

    Mommy , where is the baby ?

  9. 选取世界经典儿童绘本,带领爸爸妈妈和宝宝一起读书、一起做游戏。

    To read word-classic stories and play games with babies , also to guide parents to do so .

  10. 饲养员们在几个月前开始仔细观察熊猫妈妈和宝宝准备分开的迹象。

    Keepers have been closely following the signs that mother and cub were ready to separate for months .

  11. 如果我们将每对妈妈和宝宝作为独特的一对来看待的话,我们经常可避免添加不必要的补充剂。

    By treating each mother and baby as a unique pair , unnecessary supplementation can often be avoided .

  12. 她接着说道:这一幕非常的和谐,有一种特别的亲密感。妈妈和宝宝一起享受温暖的阳光。

    The scene was very peaceful and had a special intimacy - mamas and babies enjoying a warm day in the sun .

  13. 通过妈妈和宝宝间的肌肤接触与目光交流,增强宝宝自我意识、刺激宝宝触觉发育,使宝宝睡眠模式更长久、更规律。

    By touching and communicating with their mothers , children become more self-aware , develop their tactility more quickly , and fall in deeper and more regular sleep .

  14. 哺乳顾问、助产士、妇幼保健和儿童健康护士、医师、母乳喂养顾问和联合健康专业人士,事实上任何与妈妈和宝宝工作的人。

    Lactation consultants , midwives , maternal and child health nurses , medical doctors , breastfeeding counsellors and allied health professionals-in fact anyone who works with mothers and babies .

  15. 她在我周围忙来忙去,像鸟妈妈对鸟宝宝一样。

    She fluttered around me like a mother bird at her nestlings .

  16. 即使Clifford长大了,他还是妈妈的小宝宝。

    Even though Clifford grows up , he 's still his mother 's little puppy .

  17. 她的第一个小孩,Sam,那时大概五岁。他环视了下她问,“妈妈,小宝宝在哪里啊?”

    And her first child , Sam , was about five and he looked around and said , " Mommy , where is the baby ? "

  18. 一位挪威好运妈妈每次生宝宝后就中大奖。

    A lucky mother in Norway won lotteries after she gave birth .

  19. 嘟嘟乐清火宝,帮助妈妈精心呵护宝宝。

    Dudule infant hotness clearing treasures helps mother carefully to protect the baby .

  20. 虽然孩子的名字没有公布,但是据说在医院期间妈妈叫小宝宝“索菲”。

    It is believed the mother used the name'Sophie'Hong during her stay at the hospital .

  21. 猫妈妈爱她的宝宝们。

    Mommy cats love their babies .

  22. 0-3个月妈妈唱,宝宝听

    0-3 months sing to your baby

  23. 分娩的时候妈妈便给宝宝留下了这些微小细菌,随着你长大,你身上的细菌会变得更多。

    You pick up some microbes from your mother during birth . As you grow , your body acquires more .

  24. 老鼠妈妈和她的宝宝们出门散步,他看见一只猫蹲在灌木丛后。

    A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush .

  25. 在众多例子中据说有这样一个故事,讲的是一位妈妈在给宝宝换尿布以后用吹风机把她的屁股吹干。

    Among the tales reported was one of a mother that used a hairdryer on her baby 's bottom after changing her .

  26. 你想想,有些妈妈觉得给宝宝扎耳眼(戴耳坠)很好看,但那的确很疼。

    If you think about it-some mums think it 's pretty toget their baby 's ears pierced and that can be painful .

  27. 当他们蹑手蹑脚地经过草地的时候,太阳最后的一缕余辉洒在了兔妈妈和兔宝宝们的身上。

    As they tiptoed through the grasses , they came upon Mama Rabit with her kittens , catching the last of the sunshine .

  28. 筋疲力竭的狗妈妈和她的宝宝们霸占了位于波兰华沙的主人家的整个一楼。

    Their exhausted mother and the brood take up the entire ground floor of their owner 's house which is located in Warsaw , Poland .

  29. 孩子的爸爸妈妈将自己宝宝身穿西瓜皮套装的照片发布到微博上。尽管皮肤科医生指出这样的套装不推荐穿。

    Apparently parents have been posting photos of their kids in melon-y attire on Weibo , although reports indicate that dermatologists don 't recommend it .

  30. 鸭子妈妈和她的宝宝们被很多汽车包围,但它们还是摇摇摆摆地安全地通过,最终它们做到了,因此这段视频像病毒般被疯狂转载。

    The mother and her babies got blown around a lot , but when they all waddled safely across , which eventually they did , the video went viral .