
  1. 在职工妇科普查中,应用TBS诊断具有重要意义。

    Application of TBS diagnosis in gynecologic screening is important .

  2. 目的:探讨新柏氏液基薄层细胞学制片技术(TCT)在妇科普查中的价值。

    Objective : To explore the practical value of Bai-fluid-base thin-preparation cytologic test ( TCT ) in gynecologic general survey .

  3. 妇科普查中运用宫颈液基细胞学检测的意义

    The meaning of cervical mucus based cytology inspection in gynecologic screening

  4. 经阴道超声检查在妇科普查中的应用价值

    The value of by through transvaginal ultrasound in gynecological general investigation

  5. 宁波大学女教职工妇科普查分析

    General Survey of the Female Staff of Ningbo University

  6. 福建省武平县10年妇科普查资料分析

    Analysis of data of Gynecological surveys in the last ten years in Wuping County , Western Fujian Province

  7. 方法:由专人负责按照妇科普查内容,对普查对象逐个询问病史,常规妇科检查及B超检查。

    Methods : The person specially assigned for asking the problem-focused history of every woman according to gynecological mass contents and conducted routine gynecological and ultrasound B examination .

  8. 通过妇科普查发现我市1296名已婚妇女中患宫颈糜烂的占57.10%,本文对宫颈糜烂患者与职业、年龄及妊娠次数间的关系进行了分析。

    According to a general surrey of gynecology , we found in our city 57.10 % married women among 1296 ones had got cervical erosion . This article analyses the relations between the patients and the professions , ages and times of pregnancy .

  9. 12496名已婚纺织女工妇科疾病普查

    Mass screening for gynecologic diseases in 12496 married textile woman workers

  10. 246名已婚妇女妇科疾病普查结果分析

    A Analysis on General Survey in 246 Married Women with Gynecologic Disease

  11. 24544名妇女妇科疾病普查情况分析

    Analysis of General Survey of 24 544 Gynecology Diseases

  12. 某高校已婚女性教职工妇科疾病普查结果分析

    Analysis on General Investigation into Gynecological Diseases of the married Feminine Staff in a University

  13. 河北省卢龙县2008年2106例妇科病普查结果分析

    Analysis of Census Results of 2106 Cases of Gynecological Diseases in Lulong County of Hebei Province in 2008

  14. 目的通过对某高校女职工妇科病普查资料的分析,了解该高校女职工妇女常见病、多发病的患病率,制定干预措施,提高妇女健康水平。

    Objective Through analysis of general gynecological disease Screening among 510 female college workers to understand mortality of the common diseases and high incidence diseases among the female workers , than formulate intervention measures to raise the women health standard .

  15. 结论及早发现宫颈癌对于提高宫颈癌的疗效、提高5年生存率极为重要,应广泛开展妇科病的普查及健康教育,以保障广大妇女的身心健康。

    Conclusion Find out cervical carcinoma early is impotent to improve the therapeutic efficacy and the 5 year survival rate . We should develop the general examination of gynecology disease and health education widely to ensure the health of immense women 's body and mind .

  16. 应用妇科细胞学TBS诊断标准对504例职工妇科普查的结果分析

    Cytopathologic TBS Diagnosis in Gynecology Analysis of 504 Cases