
jiān chén
  • treacherous court official;traitor minister
奸臣 [jiān chén]
  • [treacherous court official] 指弄权营私、残害忠良、不忠于君主的大臣

  • 奸臣窃命。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

奸臣[jiān chén]
  1. 少康在艰苦的环境中长大,奋发努力学习,立志复仇雪耻。最终在外祖父的帮助以及忠心夏朝的部落支持下,少康驱逐杀死大逆不道的奸臣以及他的儿子,中兴夏朝。

    Growing up in a hard condition , Shao Kang studied diligently and aspired to revenge.Eventually , with the help of his grandfather and the loyal tribes , he expelled the treacherous court official and his son , restoring the country .

  2. 蔡京是历史上有名的奸臣,他从王安石变法的支持者到徽宗朝的宰相,在仕途上几经沉浮。

    Cai Jing is the history of the famous treacherous court official , his supporters of reform from Wang Anshi alternated to the prime minister , in official several on the ups and downs .

  3. 他们可分为民间英雄、忠臣、奸臣之三大类型,使岳飞的忠臣形象得到强化。

    They may divide into third the big types folk of of heroic , the loyal minister , disloyal subject .

  4. 这个侏儒,这个奸臣,这个畸形小魔猴。在这片混乱中只有我一柱擎天。

    The dwarf , the evil counselor , the twisted little monkey demon . I 'm all that stands between them and chaos .

  5. 但是,秦二世昏庸无道,听信奸臣赵高,致使人民不满,各地纷纷起来反抗。前二零九年,陈胜、吴广起义;

    However , Qin II fatuity No Road , listen to a traitor Zhao , with the result that people dissatisfied with their resistance throughout.20 nine years ago , Chen Sheng , Wu uprising ;

  6. 曹操是中国传统文化概念中的一大奸臣,这往往指的是曹操的挟天子以令诸侯以及他个性中不拘小节、放荡不羁、敢说敢做的特点。

    Caocao ~ s being regarded as a treacherous character in Chinese traditional culture always refers to his ~ Intimidating the Emperor into Commanding the Dukes ~ and his not punctilious , unconventional and unrestrained characteristics in his personality .

  7. 唐玄宗后期,不理朝政,政治腐败,奸臣当道,酿成了公元755年开始的安史之乱。

    In the late stage of his reign , Tang Xuanzong paid no attention to state affairs , so the government decayed , treacherous court officials were in power , and thus instigated the " An-and-Shi Rebellion " in 755 .

  8. 由此,中国的武侠电影划分为两个最基本的人物谱系:即以英雄义士为主体的善的形象和以奸臣贼子为主体的恶的形象。

    Thereupon , Chinese martial arts film could be divided into two basic pedigree of characters : the good images which took the heroes as the principal part and the evil images which took the treacherous court officials as the principal part .

  9. 草卷的核心内容是笼罩在神仙世界下的凡间世界,具体表现为忠臣与奸臣之间的斗争,复杂矛盾的男女关系以及理想的凡间世界。

    The core content of Cao Juan is the earth in the world under the influence of the fairy world . For specific , they are the struggle between the loyalist and the traitor , the complicate relations between men and women and the ideal world of earth .