
  • cream
  1. 最初,人们把它称为奥利奥饼干。但是到20世纪40年代,它的名称改为奥利奥奶油夹心饼干。

    They were originally called Oreo biscuits , but the name was changed to Oreo Creme Sandwich in the 1940s .

  2. 美味可口的奥利奥是全球最受欢迎的饼干,因为世界各地的人们热衷于“扭一扭、泡一泡、舔一舔”奶油夹心饼干这种独特吃法。

    The delicious Oreo is the most popular cookie in the world , with people all over the world twisting , pulling and dunking the creme sandwich biscuit .

  3. 白色奶油夹心的巧克力饼干。

    Chocolate cookie with white cream filling .