
  • 网络Women's College;Seminary;Wesleyan Female College;Radcliffe College
  1. 1837年,玛丽·里昂创办了曼荷莲女子学院,坐落于马赛诸塞州的南哈德利镇。

    Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women in1837.It was in the town of South Hadley , Massachusetts .

  2. 在加州米尔斯女子学院(MillsCollege),学生自治政府主席也自认为是男性。

    At Mills College , a women 's school in California , even the president of student government identifies as male .

  3. 弗吉尼亚州的一家小型女子学院霍林斯大学(HollinsUniversity)几年前制定了一条政策,声称只为女性颁发学位。

    Hollins University , a small women 's college in Virginia , established a policy several years ago stating it would confer diplomas to only women .

  4. 福斯特曾就读于布林莫尔女子学院(BrynMawrwomen'sschool),在校期间她倡导民权,并反对越南战争。

    Ms Faust attended Bryn Mawr women 's school , and during college she marched for civil rights and against the Vietnam war .

  5. 节目嘉宾之一是另一位卫尔斯理大四学生劳拉·布鲁诺(LauraBruno),另一位则是瑞吉斯学院(RegisCollege)的院长,这家女子学院由于入学人数剧减,在2007年改制为男女同校的大学。

    One guest was Laura Bruno , another Wellesley senior . The other guest was the president of Regis College , a women 's school that went coed in 2007 to reverse its tanking enrollment .

  6. 今年8月,学生处主任黛博拉·德梅斯(DebraDeMeis)告诉我说,校方仍旧没能想清楚,在性别已非二选一的当今社会,一家女子学院将如何存在。

    In August , Debra DeMeis , the dean of students , told me the administration had not yet worked out how to be a women 's college at a time when gender is no longer considered binary .

  7. Maridakis和他的同事研究了女子学院的九个学生,她们没有常规使用咖啡因也没有进行常阻力训练。

    Maridakis and his colleagues studied nine female college students who were not regular caffeine users and did not engage in regular resistance training .

  8. 西方早期女子学院的创立与发展

    The Founding and Developing of Early Women 's Colleges in Western Countries

  9. 中华女子学院法律诊所课程的建设与实践

    Construction and Practice of Clinical Legal Education in China Women 's University

  10. 信息系统成长阶段理论的应用&中华女子学院山东分院信息系统发展现状及未来展望

    The Application of ' Stages of Growth ' Theory of Information Systems

  11. 中国当代女性观及其对女子学院教育的影响

    Conceptions of Women and Its Affect on Higher Women Education in Contemporary China

  12. 你认为我有可能进入威斯敏斯特女子学院吗?

    Do you think there is any likelihood of my going to Westminster ?

  13. 然而她是赞同办女子学院的。

    Yet she is in favour of all-women colleges .

  14. 我和他母亲很熟,曾经一起上过拉格兰奇女子学院。

    I knew his mother well , we went to Lagrange female Institute together .

  15. 但是多数女子学院,包括卫尔斯理,只考虑女性学生的申请。

    But most women 's colleges , including Wellesley , consider only female applicants .

  16. 约翰对女子学院演说的反响如何?

    How did John 's talk / speech to the Women 's Institute go over ?

  17. 中华女子学院体育教学现状与对策分析

    An Analysis of Current Situation and Countermeasure on Physical Education in China Women 's University

  18. 一种对能力与素质的分析角度&中华女子学院大学语文与应用写作课程教学跟踪调查

    An Analysis Perspective on Competence and Quality

  19. 我们首先,并且最重要的承诺是,我们是一家女子学院。她对我说。

    We 're first and foremost committed to being a women 's college , she told me .

  20. 中华女子学院礼仪与修养课程的教学实践与思考

    Curriculum 's Teaching Practice and Ponder of " Etiquette and Culture " in China Women 's University

  21. 一家女子学院就是以女性身份引以为傲的地方,身边环绕女性。

    A women 's college is a place to celebrate being a woman , surrounded by women .

  22. 我国的高等教育领域鲜有专门以女性观为主题进行的研究,女性观与女子学院教育之间关系的研究更是少之又少。

    There is little research on conceptions of women in the study of higher education for women .

  23. 女子学院们宣称,它们的本科学生更有可能选择传统上被男性主导的专业。

    Women 's colleges say their undergrads are more likely to major in fields traditionally dominated by men .

  24. 多数女性开始选择男女同校的学校,女子学院的入学率一落千丈。

    As a vast majority of women opted for coed schools , enrollment at women 's colleges tumbled .

  25. 哈佛学院是本科学院,拉德克里夫的前身是女子学院。

    Harvard College is the undergraduate division of the University and Radcliffe is a former college for women .

  26. 像别的许多跨性别学生一样,提摩西选择女子学院是因为觉得在这里,不论从生理还是心理上都会比较安全。

    Like many trans students , he chose a women 's college because it seemed safer physically and psychologically .

  27. 但是多数女子学院要求申请者所有的身份材料都证明她是女性。

    But most women 's colleges require that all of an applicant 's documentation indicate the candidate is female .

  28. 这个时期的代表作品有女子学院,大分县图书馆,福冈相互银行,大分县分行。

    The representative works of this period are women college Oita Library , Fukuoka Mutual Bank , Oita branch .

  29. 不久后,他们每周在一起玩三次比赛,并且有时候到本地的女子学院去。

    Soon they were playing three times a week amongst themselves , and sometimes against local girls ' schools .

  30. 随机抽取中华女子学院及北京市其他三所高校体育公选课的女大学生100名为有氧运动组,另外以同年龄段的其他未经过系统有氧训练的100名女大学生为对照组。

    Another 100 female college students of the same age without systematic aerobic exercise were taken as the control group .