
  • 网络women's gymnastics
  1. 几乎在所有体育运动中,可能除女子体操外,现在的运动员都要比过去更加高大强壮。

    In virtually every sport , with the possible exception of women 's gymnastics , the players are now bigger and stronger than before .

  2. 从规则变化探析新奥运周期我国女子体操训练对策

    Women 's gymnastics training strategies as seen from changes of rules in coming Olympic period

  3. 她所在的美国队上周获得女子体操团体银牌,此前她因心理健康问题退出了几个个人项目,因而备受关注。

    The American star , who won a team silver medal last week , has been in the spotlight after withdrawing from several individual events , citing mental health challenges .

  4. 女子体操教学、训练应具备的专项素质和能力

    Specific Physical Qualities Needed for Woman 's Gymnastic Teaching and Training

  5. 女子体操运动员控体重时的营养与体成分研究

    The Nutrition and Body Composition of Women Gymnasts During Weight Control

  6. 幼儿女子体操运动员心理指标的判别分析

    The Discriminative Analysis of Psychological Parameters for the Infant Female Gymnasts

  7. 第29届北京奥运会中国女子体操比赛述评

    Comment On Chinese Women Gymnastics In The 29th Beijing Olympic Games

  8. 世界优秀女子体操运动员跳马动作生物力学分析模式

    Biomechanical Analytic Mode of Vaulting Horse of World 's Women Gymnasts

  9. 上海女子体操队备战十运会战略研究

    Strategic Study On Shanghai Female Gymnastic Team In The Tenth National Games

  10. 试论影响我国女子体操跳马项目落后的主要因素

    On main factors lagging Chinese women 's horse vault behind

  11. 女子体操运动员和艺术体操运动员的体重控制

    The Weight Control of Modern Rhythmic Gymnasts and Women Gymnasts

  12. 论新奥运周期世界女子体操发展的格局

    On the Structure of World Female Gymnastics Development In New Olympic Period

  13. 10-11岁少年女子体操运动员基本难度动作选择的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on 10-11 Year-old Female Gymnasts ' Basic Difficult Movements Choices

  14. 江苏女子体操运动员退役过早的原因探析

    Brief Analysis of Female Gym Athletes Retire too Early in Jiangsu Province

  15. 我国女子体操运动员运动损伤情况的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Sports Injuries in Chinese Female Gymnasts

  16. 我国优秀女子体操运动员前庭动眼反射特点的研究

    Characteristics of Vestibular-Ocular Reflex in Elite Women Gymnasts in China

  17. 世界女子体操优秀全能选手的单项竞争倾向特征

    Characteristics of competition trend of elite women individual all-around gymnasts

  18. 论我国女子体操运动员新奥运周期训练特点

    On the characteristics of new Olympic period training of Chinese women 's gymnasts

  19. 少儿女子体操运动员损伤及科学化训练的思考

    Juvenile girl gym athletes ' injuries and scientific training

  20. 少年女子体操运动员肘关节创伤与预防

    Elbow Joint Injury and Prevention of Junior Girls Gymnasts

  21. 我国女子体操队2008年北京奥运会夺牌策略

    Strategy of Chinese Woman Gymnastics Team Obtaining Medal in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  22. 关于女子体操运动员初级选材敏感量化指标的应用研究

    Women gymnast sensitive and quantification index of elementary selection

  23. 高水平女子体操运动员单项与全能之间运动水平的关系

    Relation Between Individual and All-round Events Performances of Female Gymnasts of HIgh Level

  24. 女子体操运动员发生股骨头坏死的相关因素分析

    Analysis of related factors on necrosis of femoral head in female gymnastic athletes

  25. 我国12~14岁少年女子体操运动员专项身体素质训练的研究

    Event-related fitness training of girl gymnasts aged between 12 to 14 in China

  26. 关于世界女子体操发展格局的研究

    Discuss on Current World Female Gymnastics Development Pattern

  27. 结果表明:世界女子体操的格局基本稳定;

    The results show that the world pattern of this movement certainly appears stability ;

  28. 第37届世锦赛女子体操技术实力分析

    An Analysis on Women ′ s Gymnastic Technical Strength in the 37th International Tournament

  29. 北京奥运会女子体操竞争格局与团体实力研究

    Study on Competitive Pattern and Team Strength of Woman Gymnastics in Beijing Olympic Games

  30. 是的,这是女子体操比赛中技术性最高的项目之一。

    Yes , it is one of the top skill events for women gymnasts .