
  1. 原来女娲补天的故事就发生在这里。

    Oh , the story of Nuhuo mending the sky took place right here .

  2. 女娲补天神话广为人知,但对这一神话的本相向来有不同的看法。

    The myth of " N ü wa fixing up sky " is known widely , but there are different views about this myth .

  3. 首次提出“陨石神话”的分类概念,认为“女娲补天”是一则典型的陨石神话。

    It is the first time that the concept of " aerolite myth " was raised and it is pointed out that Nuwa is a typical aerolite myth .

  4. 《红楼梦》,原称《石头记》,是中国古典长篇章回小说,为曹雪芹所作。这部巨著虽然虚构朝代、地点,而且假借了女娲补天的神话。

    The Dream of the Red Chamber is also called " The story of the Stone ( Shitouji )", this novel written by Cao Xueqin ( d.1763 ) is said to be the greatest masterpiece of Chinese fiction .