
  • 网络The Olympic Emblem;emblem of olympic games
  1. 奥运会会徽作为标志设计的一种,不仅体现着国际流行的艺术潮流,也代表着标志设计的发展方向。

    The emblem of Olympic Games not only reflects international and popular artistic trend as the design of sign , but also represents developing direction of the design .

  2. 21世纪三届奥运会会徽的比较研究

    Research on Olympic Logos in Recent Three Editions of Olympic Games

  3. 奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽。

    On the reverse the official emblem of the Barcelona Games .

  4. 北京2008年奥运会会徽中国印,舞动的北京

    The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem @ Chinese Seal , Dancing Beijing

  5. 奥运会会徽是具有历史纪念意义的艺术性标识。

    The Olympic Games emblem is an artistic mark with historic commemoration significance .

  6. 邮票名称:29届奥运会会徽和吉祥物。

    Name : the29th Olympic Games emblem and mascots .

  7. 解读夏季奥运会会徽的视觉符号意义

    Decode Summer Olympic Symbol 's Visual Seamier Significant

  8. 奥运会会徽设计的流变

    The Rheology of Olympic Games ' Emblem Design

  9. 2008年北京奥运会会徽设计中传统装饰文化的运用

    Use of the Traditional Ornamental Culture in the Emblem Design of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  10. 奥运会会徽是结合了奥林匹克五环与其他元素的产物。

    An Olympic emblem is the design combining the Olympic rings together with other distinctive elements .

  11. 第二十九届北京奥运会会徽在体育大学生中传播效果的调查研究

    Study on The Sport Students of Beijing Sport University 's Communication Effect of Beijing Olympic Emblem

  12. 北京2008奥运会会徽的主题

    Beijing 2008 Emblem Theme

  13. 所有奥运会会徽的设计都必须提交国际奥委会执委会以取得其批准。

    And the design of any Olympic emblem shall be submitted to the IOC Executive Board for its approval .

  14. 本文对于奥运会会徽的多模态话语分析,主要分析其互动意义,而涉及到的分析元素包括:接触、社会距离、视角和情态。

    The four elements of VG related to the interactive meanings include contact , social distance , perspective and modality .

  15. 同时,展望未来,北京奥运会会徽给全世界人民带来更多的震撼和奥运激情,向全世界人民诠释了奥运精神。

    Additionally , Beijing Emblem will bring convulsion and enthusiasm to the whole world , and annotate Olympic spirit to the whole world .

  16. 通过对历届奥运会会徽之间的发展传承的关系的研究,从一个视角透视整个奥运视觉形象的发展历程。

    We can comprehend the development of the Olympic visual imagery in the right perspective by researching on the evolution of the Olympic emblems .

  17. 现有的28届奥运会会徽已经经历了雏形期、初步形成期、规范期和成熟期四个发展阶段。

    Existing 28 Olympic Games emblem has already gone through the preliminary one , forming one , formed one and mature period four developing stages .

  18. 雅典奥运会会徽体现了传统、参与、庆典和人类的进步,它邀请整个世界参与到这场人类历史上最和平的比赛中去。

    The2004 Athens emblem signifies heritage , participation , celebration and human scale , which invite the whole world to join in with the greatest peaceful competition ever seen .

  19. 一个象征性的设计&2008年北京奥运会会徽及相关设计,真正把现代设计纳入中国文化、中国产品和中国商业环境。

    A symbolic design , Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem and related design , is the truly one bring the modern design into the Chinese culture , Chinese products and the business environment .

  20. 奥运会会徽作为奥林匹克视觉形象的核心已经成为奥林匹克精神与文化的象征。

    It is the reason that the visual imagery has so many kind of form . The emblem of Olympic , the core of the Olympic visual imagery , is symbolizing the culture and spirit of Olympics .

  21. 据估计,搜狐以3000万美元的出价购得了北京奥组委官方网站的制作权及在公司市场活动中使用北京奥运会会徽&“奔跑者”图案的权利。

    For an estimated $ 30 million , Sohu bought the right to create the official Web site for the Beijing Organizing Committee and to use the Beijing Games logo of a runner in the company 's marketing .

  22. 2003年8月3日北京奥组委于北京正式向全世界公布了2008年第29届北京奥运会会徽。

    The official emblem for the Game of the XXIX Olympiad in 2008 was presented to the world in Beijing August 3 , 2003 at a ceremony held by the Beijing Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games ( BOCOG ) .

  23. 奥运会会徽,不仅是国际奥林匹克运动和奥运会形象品牌的重要载体,而且体现了奥运会举办城市独特的文化魅力,体现了奥运会举办国家的民族性格和精神风貌。

    The emblem of the Olympic Games , in particular , is not only an important representation of the Olympic Movement and the Olympic brand , but also a demonstration of the charm of the host citys unique culture and its national character and spirit .

  24. 验证了所开发的控制系统可以计算出机器人的最优轨迹并实时控制机器人的运行。此外论文还在此基础上开发了机器人书写北京奥运会会徽程序及书写中国篆字体对联程序。

    It verified that this robot control system can calculate the optimal trajectory of the robot and also the real-time control of the robot . Besides , the robot to write procedures for the Beijing Olympic Games emblem and write Chinese couplets procedures Fragrance fonts are developed in this paper .

  25. 2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是什么?

    What is the emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games ?

  26. 学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽.

    Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots , the Olympic emblem , with their dexterous hands .

  27. 2008年北京奥运会的会徽是一方中国印,其意义丰富。

    2008 years the Beijing Olympic Games emblem is a Chinese seal , its meaning party rich .

  28. 奥运会的会徽“中国印·舞动的北京”将中国特色。北京特点和奥林匹克运动元素巧妙结合。

    The meeting badge " China prints Peking that dance of · move " of the Olympic game Chinese special features .

  29. 自7月24日公布2020年夏季奥运会和残奥会会徽以来,设计者佐野研二郎(KenjiroSano)一直面临指控,称其抄袭了比利时列日市一剧场的设计。

    Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24 , their creator , Kenjiro Sano , has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege .

  30. 她指出,2022年冬季奥运会和残奥会的会徽设计,应该显示出民族性、艺术性、创新性的完美统一。

    She noted that the design of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics should signify the " perfect unity of nationality , art and creativity . "