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  • Omeprazole
  1. B组28例给予奥美拉唑、克拉霉素和甲硝唑治疗。

    28 cases in group B were given omeprazole , clarithromycin , and metronidazole .

  2. B组用奥美拉唑联合甲硝唑、克拉仙15mg/(kg·d)。

    Group B omeprazole , metronidazole and klacid 15mg / ( kg · d );

  3. 奥美拉唑和硫糖铝治疗十二指肠球部溃疡胃内24小时pH监测

    24-hour intragastric pH monitoring in patients with duodenal ulcer treated

  4. 配糖蛋白B肠溶微胶囊的研究奥美拉唑肠溶片生物利用度测定

    Preparation and Investigation of Intestinal Juice Soluble Microcapsule of Glycoprotein B Studies on Bioavailability Assessment of Omeprazole Enteric-coated Tablets

  5. HPLC法测定清胃胶囊中奥美拉唑和甲硝唑的含量

    Determination of Omeprazole and Metronidazole in Qingwei Capsules by HPLC

  6. 食管宁汤组和奥美拉唑组相比有显著性差异(p0.05)。

    Esophageal Ning Tang group and omeprazole group significantly different compared ( p0.05 ) .

  7. 三种奥美拉唑胶囊健康人的生物利用度及其对胃内24小时pH值的影响

    Bioavailability of three brands of omeprazole capsule and their effects on 24 hour intragastric pH in healthy volunteers

  8. HPLC测定注射用奥美拉唑钠的含量

    HPLC Determination of Omeprazole Sodium for Injection

  9. HPLC测定血浆中奥美拉唑的浓度

    Determination of omeprazole in plasma by HPLC

  10. 奥美拉唑对颅脑手术病人胃内pH的影响及对上消化道出血预防的临床研究

    Effect of omeprazole on the intragastric pH and the prevention of upper gastronintestinal bleeding in patients receiving brain surgery

  11. 静脉滴注奥美拉唑药代动力学和24h动态pH监测

    Pharmacokinetics and 24-hour Intragastric pH Monitoring after Venous infusion of Omeprazole in Healthy Subjects

  12. 方法92例HP阳性的十二指肠溃疡患者随机分为3组,A组为治疗1组31例,口服奥美拉唑+克拉霉素+大蒜素胶囊治疗;

    Methods 92 patients with HP-positive duodenal ulcer were randomized allocated to three groups .

  13. 奥美拉唑可阻断术后胃内pH下降,使术后胃内pH高于术前(P<0.01),与对照组比,奥美拉唑组术后胃内pH明显升高(P<0.01)。

    In the Omeprazole group the postoperative intragastric pH was much higher that that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  14. 血浆中奥美拉唑的RP-HPLC测定

    Determination of omeprazole and its metabolites in plasma by RP HPLC

  15. 目的探讨奥美拉唑对反流性食管炎期间幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的治疗作用。

    Objective To study the effect of Helicobacter pyloric ( Hp ) on omeprazole for reflux esophagitis .

  16. RP-HPLC法测定S-奥美拉唑钠及其有关物质的含量

    Determination of S-Omeprazole Sodium and the Related Substances by RP-HPLC

  17. 结论以奥美拉唑、阿莫西林等组成的10日序贯疗法治疗成人Hp感染具有疗效高、耐受性和依从性好等优点。

    Conclusions Ten days sequential therapy is more effective , well tolerated and with higher rate of eradication .

  18. RP-HPLC法测定注射用奥美拉唑钠中奥美拉唑及有关物质含量

    Determination of contents and related substances of omeprazole sodium for injection by RP-HPLC

  19. 奥美拉唑诱导宫颈癌HeLa细胞凋亡及其机制研究

    Study on the apoptosis of HeLa cells induced by Omeprazole and its mechanism

  20. 结果奥美拉唑和西咪替丁观察组与对照组的pH值差异显著,P<0.05。

    Result The pH of Omeprazole treatment group and Cimetidine treatment group was significant as against that of control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 阿司匹林和奥美拉唑对大鼠胃黏膜损伤及血液NO、TNF的影响

    Effect of aspirin and omeprazole on gastric mucosa injury and nitric oxide and tumor necrosis factor level in blood of rats

  22. 奥美拉唑与其他药物治疗消化性溃疡及出血对照研究Meta分析

    Meta-analysis of effectiveness of omeprazole and other drugs in treatment of active peptic ulcer and bleeding

  23. 目的评价以奥美拉唑、甲硝唑、阿莫西林为核心的三联疗法治疗幽门螺杆菌(HP)阳性的消化性溃疡的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of omeprazole , metronidazole and amoxicillin triple cure on the peptic ulcer of pylorus helicobacter positive .

  24. 治疗后治疗组与对照组患者的证候疗效及胃镜疗效的差别有显著性意义,(P0.05)进一步说明,采用三仁汤加减的治疗组较传统疗法的奥美拉唑有更好的临床治疗效果。

    Treatment group after treatment with the control group of patients with syndromes and efficacy of therapeutic endoscopy difference was significant , ( P0.05 ) .

  25. 明胶/海藻酸钠作为基材制备pH值敏感型微胶囊,应用于包埋药物奥美拉唑,对改善其生物利用度,提高药效有很大的应用价值。

    It was concluded that the gelatin / sodium alginate as a kind of backing material possesses a great application merit for the preparation of pH-sensitive microcapsule for omeprazole .

  26. 为观察奥美拉唑对颅脑手术病人胃内pH的影响,研究其对颅脑手术后上消化道出血的预防作用。

    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Omeprazole on the intragastric pH and the prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients undergoing brain surgery .

  27. 结论奥美拉唑试验是GERD临床诊断的一种可靠方法。

    Conclusion Omeprazole test is reliable for GERD diagnosis .

  28. 治疗后3d内奥美拉唑组有26例止血(96%),雷尼替丁组有19例止血(70%),无明显不良反应发生。

    26 cases ( 96 % ) in omeprazole group and 19 cases ( 70 % ) in ranitidine group got hemostasis within 3 days after treatment without apparent adverse reactions .

  29. 雷贝拉唑或奥美拉唑三联疗法治疗HP阳性消化性溃疡疗效的Meta分析

    A Meta Analysis of Efficacy Comparison of Rabeprazole and Omeprazole Based Triple Therapy in Treating Peptic Ulcer in Helicobacter Pylori Positive Patients

  30. EMR诱发溃疡治愈率与奥美拉唑治疗疗程相关

    Healing rate of EMR-induced ulcer in relation to the duration of treatment with omeprazole