
  • 网络the Land of Oz
  1. 您还记得巫师是用什麽方法抵达奥兹国的吗?

    Do you remember how the wizard landed in oz ?

  2. 奥兹国的西面是一个什么样的地方?

    What kind of place was it on the west side of Oz ?

  3. 他当然想他还想去奥兹国

    Mona : Of course he does . He wants to get to Oz

  4. 好吧我觉得你才是该去奥兹国的人

    Hanna : Yeah , well , I think you 're the one who needs a trip to Oz.

  5. 对于不大幸运的学生来说,信息公路宛如通往神话中奥兹国的那条黄砖路一样虚无缥缈。

    To less fortunate students , the information highway is about as real as the yellow brick road to oz.

  6. 当桃乐丝被卷入龙卷风的时候,她最后到了奥兹国。如果你掉入黑洞,最后你会到哪儿?

    When Dorothy was whipped by a tornado , she ended up in Oz. Where do you end up if you fall into a black hole ?

  7. 所以你要推翻这种观念,我在《财富》上写了一篇关于男性的文章在我们当中有很多像奥兹国巫师一样的男人。

    So you wanna get over the idea , as I wrote in the [ Fortune ] article [ that ] males there 's a lot of Wizard of Oz in us .

  8. 此外,我们也第一次看到了英雄们将面对的敌人。这些家伙看上去像是《复仇者联盟》中的奇塔瑞人和《奥兹国历险记》中西方邪恶女巫座下飞猴的结合体。

    In addition , we get our first look at some of the adversaries our heroes will go up against , who look to be somewhere between the Chitauri of ' Avengers Assemble ' and the Wicked Witch of the West 's flying monkeys .