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tào dié
  • telescope;intussusception;indigitation
套叠 [tào dié]
  • [intussusception] 一部分被纳入另一部分内

套叠[tào dié]
  1. 74例中56例AD有内膜破口,1例内膜套叠,9例血栓闭塞性AD伴有溃疡样病变和8例主动脉壁间血肿。

    In 74 patients with AD , 56 were with intimal entry , one with intimal intussusception , 9 with thrombus-obliterated AD with ulcer-like lesions , and 8 with aortic intramural hematoma .

  2. 多息肉状黏膜脱垂导致空肠套叠1例

    A peculiar multiple polypoid mucosal prolapse causing jejunal intussusception

  3. 螺旋CT对成人小肠套叠的诊断及临床价值

    Diagnosis of adult small intestine intussusception by spiral CT and its clinical value

  4. 利用套叠PCR技术进行基因突变和拼接

    Recombination and Mutation of some Genes with Gene Splicing by Overlap Extension

  5. 利用套叠PCR和高保真DNA聚合酶对芦丁鼠李糖苷酶基因的多个突变位点进行修复,获得100%的修复成功率。

    Employing overlap extension and high-fidelity thermostable DNA polymerase , the rutin - α - rhamnosidase gene with multiple mutated phases is rectified . The rate of rectification achieves 100 % .

  6. 通过将反映桩基荷载传递机理的套叠式桩周土变形模式与弹性理论相结合,推导了桩身带有承力盘DX抗拔桩的荷载-位移关系的解析解。

    Based on the elastic theory and the overlapped-form strain mode of the soil surrounding a pile , an analytical solution for the load-displacement relationship of cast-in-situ DX pile is presented .

  7. 以人表皮生长因子为研究对象,分3段合成了hegf基因片段,运用套叠PCR技术进行连接,形成全长hegf(159bp)并克隆到酵母表达载体pGAPZα-A中。

    The human epidermal growth factor ( hEGF ) gene was synthesized from three fragments , connected using overlap extension PCR , then cloned into Pichia expression vector pGAPZ α - A.

  8. 根据手术方式将病人分为Nissen手术组,贲门斜行套叠组和Belsey手术组。

    According to antireflux procedures the patients were divided into three groups : Nissen fundoplication , Cardiac oblique invagination ( COI ) and Belsey Mark ⅳ .

  9. 直肠内套叠43例手术治疗分析

    Analysis of surgical therapy for 43 patients with internal rectal prolapse

  10. 手术发现均为廻肠-廻肠型肠套叠合并坏疽。排粪造影诊断直肠内套叠58例分析

    Excretory stool examination of intrarectal intussusception : analysis of 58 cases

  11. 套叠桥体式固定桥的临床应用

    The clinical application of the telescopic pontic of fixed bridge

  12. 一种新的抗胃食管返流手术&贲门斜行套叠术的实验研究

    Experimental study of a new anti-gastroesophageal reflux procedure-cardiac oblique invagination

  13. 钢筋等间距标距与套叠标距刻痕的共点标记

    Common mark of equi-distance scale and double scale in bar

  14. 一种双间套叠式鼠盒对东方田鼠繁殖力的影响

    Effects of A Two-roomed and Overlapping Box on Fertility of Microtus Fortis

  15. 这些风险具有超连接、相互套叠的特点。

    The risk has the characteristics of ultra-connection and superposition .

  16. 阑尾黏膜相关淋巴样组织淋巴瘤&阑尾套叠的关键位置

    Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma in the appendix , a lead point for intussusception

  17. 大鼠肾移植动脉套叠吻合技术的改良

    A modified arterial sleeve anastomosis in rat renal transplantation

  18. 对照组:27条犬,用深套叠术式。

    Control group : the operation of ' deep intussusception ' was performed .

  19. 那两辆公车因撞击而套叠著。

    The two buses were telescoped in the crash .

  20. 汉语句法成分特有的套叠现象决定了这类实体表达的复杂性。

    Special nesting phenomena of Chinese constituents determine the complexity of the entity .

  21. 结肠镜下早期结肠套叠及扭转复位治疗分析

    Colour endoscopic reduction and clinical analysis on earlier period colonic distortion or intussusception

  22. 6例需要手术治疗的小肠套叠患儿的临床报道

    A report of 6 children with small bowel intussusception that required surgical intervention

  23. 微小血管的套叠缝接法及其临床应用

    Telescoping anastomosis of microvessels and its clinical application

  24. 结论高频超声显像明显提高了小儿小肠套叠的确诊率。

    Conclusions High frequency ultrasound imaging may significantly increase detection rate of enteric intussusception .

  25. 小血管套叠吻合法在临床上的应用

    Clinical application of the micro vascular telescoping anastomosis

  26. 引起套叠的原因主要是炎性水肿与良、恶性肿瘤。

    The main causes of intussusception were inflammation edema and benign or malignant tumor .

  27. 当两辆火车撞在一起,车厢套叠著。

    When the two railroad trains crashed each other , the cars were telescoped .

  28. 混合痔;直肠黏膜内套叠;分段齿形结扎;悬吊。

    Mixed hemorrhoids ; Rectal internal mucous intussusception ; Segmental dentate ligation ; Suspension .

  29. 小儿术后肠套叠26例

    26 Cases of Postoperative intussusceptions in children

  30. 3例未见明显套叠征象(8%);

    Of 42 cases were not observed evident sign of intussusception ( 8 % ) .