
  • 网络fengxin county;Fengxin Grafschaft
  1. 对奉新县在九岭山脉中段溪蟹的分布格局及其动物地理学意义进行了探讨。

    Further discussion should be focus on the distribution and zoogeographical significance of freshwater crABS in Fengxin County that located in the middle section of Jiuling Mountain .

  2. 通过测定奉新县主要衣作物在红壤丘陵区成本比较优势指数和单产比较优势指数,根据综合比较优势指导种植结构调整,得出晚籼稻和棉花具有强比较优势,应当适当扩大生产;

    4 , Hilly region of red soil cost comparative advantage index and yield per hectare comparative advantage index in Fengxin County were measured . Strong comparative advantage crops late rice and cotton should be enlarged .