
  1. 但唯一能肯定的是,无论是谁想出了这个设计,他都应该被打脸,因为不管横看竖看麒麟奇都不像一只长颈鹿啊!

    The only thing we can discern with any clarity is that whoever came up with this design should have been slapped across the face for thinking it looked anything like a giraffe .

  2. 这一系列关于经济的演讲平常无奇,都是一些陈词滥调。

    The series of speeches on the economy was uninspiring and a rehash of old subjects

  3. 以及沿途在巴塔哥尼亚一带见到的听到的无数声色之奇,都帮助影响我的意图。

    these , with all the attending marvels of a thousand Patagonian sights and sounds , helped to sway me to my wish .

  4. 安,莫奇和我都去看了比赛。

    Ann , Mocky and I all went to the game .

  5. .来自全世界的媒体和阿桑奇的支持者都聚集在法庭外。

    Outside the court , media from across the world had d Assange 's supporters .

  6. 来自全世界的媒体和阿桑奇的支持者都聚集在法庭外。

    Outside the court , media from across the world had assembled alongside Assange 's supporters .

  7. 如果这些是孩子们所能看到的那么这并不为奇如果我们都有双孩子的眼睛那么这个世界将更加美好。

    If this is what the children see , then it should be no surprise , the world would be a better place if we all had children 's eyes .

  8. 从序列构造中的结构特征来看,汉明相关性恶化的主要原因,是码序列相邻分组中偶、奇码段都有恒定的段间隔(例如23跳为8)。

    The analysis of constructive characteristics of building sequences shows that the main reason of faulty Hamming correlation is an invariable interval of the even and odd segments in adjacent blocks ( example 8 in 23-hop ) .

  9. 换个角度看这次调查,我们也可以认为,无论你的相貌多么平凡无奇,你都有机会成功、出名,以及主演热播电视节目!

    Alternately , we can look at this poll as highlighting the fact that no matter how " ugly " you are , you can still be successful and famous and star on a hit TV show !

  10. 老师对大学一年级学生讲得太平淡无奇了,他们都感到厌烦。

    The teacher talked down to the freshmen , and they were bored .

  11. 随便什么平凡无奇的菜,都有可能比我们批评它的评论更有意义。

    The average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so .

  12. Aegirocassisbenmoulae身体两侧有双鳍,而之前的奇虾属化石都只有单鳍。

    Aegirocassis had double flaps along the side of its body , rather than the single flaps seen in previous anomalocaridid fossils .