
  • 网络Chimu
  1. 起初奇穆人居住在这里,当地居民将城市划分为九个各自独立的要塞。

    It was originally inhabited by the Chimu people , who divided the city into nine different citadels , each of which were autonomous .

  2. 美洲金字塔包括特奥蒂瓦坎的日月金字塔、奇琴伊察的卡斯蒂略以及安地斯山居民区的许多印加、奇穆人建筑结构。

    American pyramids include the pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuac á n , the Castillo at Chich é n Itz á, and various Inca and Chim ú structures in Andean settlements .