
  1. 重新界定的夹皮沟金矿集中区包括了太古宙花岗-绿岩带和高级变质区两个组成部分。

    The redelimited Jiapigou gold-concentrated area is composed of Archean granitoid-greenstone belts and high grade metamorphism areas .

  2. 夹皮沟金矿带位于吉林省东南部桦甸地区。

    Jiapigou gold belt lies in the southeast Huadian City , Jilin Province .

  3. 大型金矿构造-成矿系统及幔-壳多层循环体成因模式-以吉林夹皮沟金矿为例

    Structural-metallogenic systems of large-scale gold deposit and genetic model of mantle-crust gradational circulatory fluid

  4. 夹皮沟金矿产于晚太古宙绿岩带的下部层位。

    The Jiapigou gold deposit lies in the lower part of the late Archaean greenstone belt .

  5. 夹皮沟金矿区各矿山资源已近枯竭,而各种预测结果都显示夹皮沟矿区潜在资源可观。

    The mineral resources in the Jiapigou mining area are being nearly exhausted , but they were calculated that there are many hidden mineral resources in Jiapigou mining area .

  6. 曾于1960年一度闭坑的吉林省夹皮沟金矿,在新的找矿思路指导下,在矿山深边部及外围地区发现了多处大中型金矿床。

    Guided by new and creative prospecting idea , several gold deposits have been discovered at the depth and in the adjacent area to Jiapigou gold mine of which was once closed in1960 in Jilin province .

  7. 夹皮沟立山金矿为一大型石英脉型金矿床。

    Lishan is a large-size quartz vein type gold deposit in Jiapigou area .

  8. 夹皮沟地区金矿床产于台槽两大构造单元之间,位于槽台边缘构造活动带台区一侧的北西向韧性(脆性)剪切带中。

    The gold deposits are situated in the northwest trend ductile shear zone which is the contact belt of the Northeast China platform and the Hercynian trough .

  9. 夹皮沟脉型金矿石英中包裹体的流体

    The fluid inclusion in quartz of Jia-Pi-Gou Lode Gold Deposit

  10. 在夹皮沟变质热液金矿床中,石英通常含有较多的二氧化碳包裹体。

    In Jiapigou metamorphic hydrothermal gold deposits the quartz usually contains more CO_2 inclusions .