
  1. 天麻配方颗粒由单味天麻加工制成,与天麻饮片功能主治相同,即平肝息风止痉,用于头痛眩晕,肢体麻木,小儿惊风,癫痫抽搐,破伤风。

    Tianma Formula Granule processes the function of subduing the liver-wind and arrest convulsion .

  2. 结论:盐酸乐卡地平可以明显降低收缩压和舒张压,降压作用可达24h,尤其是通常二氢吡啶类钙通道阻滞剂常见的不良反应如下肢水肿、颜面潮红、头痛和眩晕等发生率很低。

    Conclusion : LH has significant anti-hypertension effect and its action can be maintained for 24h with very low incidence rate of ADRs , especially the incidence rate of leg edema , flush , headache and dizziness .

  3. 复方甘草合剂致严重头痛和眩晕

    Severe headache and vertigo induced by brown mixture

  4. 一株长一窝天麻的,叫窝麻。天麻主治肝风头痛、眩晕、小儿惊风等症,功效显著。

    The major function of Tianma is to cure liver wind , dizziness and infantile convulsions of children , etc. with distinct effect .

  5. 天麻双膝颗粒可以有效改善高血压前期肝肾阴虚型人群的中医临床证候,如头痛、眩晕、耳鸣、腰酸、膝软等。

    Tianma hyssop particles can effectively improve liver-kidney deficiency pre-hypertension at TCM clinical syndromes , such as headache , dizziness , tinnitus , backache , knee soft and so on . 3 .

  6. 而且,接触这些化学物质带来的危险更加可怕,可能会即刻产生咽喉肿痛、头痛、眩晕、过敏反应、恶心等症状,症状根据每个人的敏感程度而不尽相同。

    And the danger of exposure is scarier still . Immediate symptoms can range from a sore throat to headaches , dizziness , allergic reactions and nausea , depending on the sensitivity of an individual .

  7. 结论:平肝祛瘀化痰方可显著改善患者的临床症状,减轻头痛及眩晕的程度。

    Of HBP , there was no difference between two groups ( P0.05 ) . Conclusion : The ping gan qu yu hua tan fang could improve clinical symptoms , reducing the frequency of headache and vertigo .

  8. 他头痛并感到眩晕。

    He had a headache and felt giddy .

  9. 后遗症是不停的头痛,恶心,眩晕,失忆,精神模糊。

    I was left with symptoms like nonstop headaches , nausea , vertigo , memory loss , mental fog .

  10. 另外要注意戒烟和贴片伴随的症状有头痛,焦虑,眩晕,疲劳和便秘。

    Also be aware that the combined side effects of quitting smoking and wearing a patch can include headaches , anxiety , dizziness , fatigue , and constipation .

  11. 作者单位在近六年间共收治脑膜脑动静脉畸形22例,主要临床症状表现为头痛、头昏、眩晕、恶心、癫痫发作、颅内出血和神经缺失症状等。

    Patients with meningo cerebral arteriovenous malformations , we treated in our hospital between 1990 and 1995 . Clinical manifestations included headache , nausea , seizure , intracranial hemorrhage , and progressive hemispheric neurologic deficits .