
  • 网络Gone Baby Gone;missing person
  1. 菲奥娜和阿拉斯泰尔已经成为国家失踪人口服务热线的代言人。

    Fiona and Alastair have become patrons of the National Missing Person 's Helpline .

  2. 你为什么有那起失踪人口的档案

    Why were you carrying that missing person 's file ?

  3. 她已经追查到了200多名失踪人口,多数是警方已经不抱希望的案子。

    She 's tracked down over two hundred missing persons , in many cases after the police have given up .

  4. 这样的话,德国警方也能将Ray的DNA、指纹和牙科记录递交给国际刑警,希望在儿童失踪人口记录中核对男孩的信息。

    DNA , fingerprint and dental records can also then be handed over to Interpol so that his records can be checked against those of missing children .

  5. 香港保安局(SecurityBureau)副局长李家超(LeeKa-chiu)周日表示,警方的失踪人口调查组正在试图查明李波(LeeBo)的下落,后者上周三最后一次在香港露面,但警方尚未得出任何结论。

    Lee Ka-chiu , a senior official in the government 's security bureau , said on Sunday that the police missing persons unit was trying to find out what happened to Lee Bo , who was last seen in Hong Kong on Wednesday , but that it had not yet reached any conclusions .

  6. 这些是那些失踪人口的最后联系住址。

    These are the last known residences for the missing persons .

  7. 尽管在失踪人口的事情上不是那么在行。

    Not so good at the missing persons thing , though .

  8. 在失踪人口数据库里搜索一个白人男性。

    And search the missing person 's database for a white male .

  9. 邻郡有失踪人口及火灾呢。

    You got missing persons and a fire in the next county .

  10. 死亡和失踪人口超过13万4千人。

    The toll of dead and missing has topped 134000 .

  11. 检查包括市区及郊区的东部警察局失踪人口报告。

    Examine the Greater Eastern Police Department Missing Person Report .

  12. 你未婚妻的失踪人口报告归档?

    To file the missing persons report on your fiancee ?

  13. 他把此事作为失踪人口报告。

    He had her file a missing persons report .

  14. 我也协助调查这个,呃,失踪人口的事务。

    I also help out with this , uh , missing persons group .

  15. 我的照片怎麽会在失踪人口的网站上?

    Why would my picture end up on a missing person 's website ?

  16. 可能他会出现在某处失踪人口单上。

    Probably have him listed , missing person somewhere .

  17. 她在一个国家失踪人口数据库做了登记。

    She registered for a national database formissing people .

  18. 她八年前被列为失踪人口。

    She was reported missing eight years ago .

  19. 我认识一个人,失踪人口部的…

    I know a guy in missing persons ...

  20. 安李莉另一个失踪人口。

    Anne lively became just another missing person .

  21. 负责失踪人口案的专家。

    Of an expert on missing persons cases .

  22. 我们从来没有上报失踪人口。

    We never fileda missing persons report .

  23. 当她今天早上没有上班时,就被报为失踪人口了。

    Missing person 's inquiry was filed this morning when she didn 't show up for work .

  24. 密苏里州奚尼市遭强烈龙卷风席卷,搜救失踪人口的活动还在紧张进行中。

    Search is still going on for the missing from the massive tornado that flattened Joplin , Missouri .

  25. 我们得送去做检验但是目前没有其他失踪人口

    We 're gonna send it out for some tests , but there aren 't any other missing people .

  26. 几天之后,米娜的家人报了失踪人口并飞到摩洛哥去找她。

    A few days passed before Mina 's family filed a missing persons report and flew to Morocco to try and find her .

  27. 失踪人口被人找到不外乎警方破案、相关人员等自供以及偶然发现等几种原因,绝没有借助“通灵侦探”的情形。

    When missing persons are found , it is always through police work , confession , or accident never by ' psychic detectives ' ) .

  28. 发现相机的西雅图人很巧合地在失踪人口网站上找到了该夫妻,从而联系到他们在加拿大温哥华的两个儿子。

    The man who discovered the camera luckily recognised the couple from the missing person 's website , and so contacted their two sons in Vancouver , Canada .

  29. 国家警卫不允许任何人进入灾区,因为情况仍旧很危险,甚至政府都无法开始搜寻失踪人口。

    The National Guard was not allowing anyone into the area because it was too dangerous . thus , officials could not even begin to look for those who were missing .

  30. 但是政府只允许他们发布政府所有询问的总数,范围涉及当地失踪人口调查及依据联邦情报监察法案所下的命令。

    But the government is only allowing them to release aggregate numbers on all government inquiries , ranging from local missing person 's probes to orders under the federal intelligence surveillance act .