
  • 网络CCTV news
  1. 唱好电视新闻节目的重头戏&央视新闻频道整点新闻之深度报道研究

    Research of the Depth Report in Program ' On-time Report ' of CCTV News Channel

  2. 央视新闻频道作为国家新闻政策的开放及新闻改革深入的标尺被载入中国新闻史。

    CCTV news channel is written down as the national news policy opening and the news reform thorough rod the Chinese news history .

  3. 央视新闻频道节目研究

    A Research on the Programme of the News Channel of CCTV

  4. 央视新闻频道由于其独特的地位和新闻资源优势,将会加剧中国电视新闻垄断竞争和有限合作的局面。

    CCTV-news will worsen the monoply competition and limited cooperation owning to its unique position and the advantage of news resources .

  5. 这部103分钟的纪录片名为《穹顶之下》,于2月28日登上中国各大视频网站,它是由前央视新闻调查记者柴静自费拍摄制作。

    Under the Dome , a 103-minute documentary self-funded by former news anchor Chai Jing , was released on video-sharing websites in China on Feb 28 .

  6. 央视新闻频道节目包括:动态新闻类节目、谈话类节目、新闻评论性节目、新闻杂志类节目和新闻专题类节目等五大类。

    In detail , the programme of the News Channel of CCTV including : dynamic news , talk show , comments , special topic and magazine programme .

  7. 五年来,央视新闻频道一直在探索符合自身特点的品牌化之路,积极实施品牌策略,国内和国际影响日益提升。

    During these five years , CCTV-news channel has been exploring the road of brand according to its own characteristics continuously , implementing the brand strategy actively , and succeeding in raising the domestic and international influence .

  8. 央视新闻频道应该建立以时效性、现场性、全面性、深度性为核心理念,以新闻本位、频道意识、受众中心、全球视野等基本理念为支撑的理念系统。

    CCTV-news should establish such core ideas as timeliness , effectiveness , spot feature , and depth of news , and build the idea system that is based on the fundamental ideas such as news-based , Channel awareness , audience - centered and the global horizon .

  9. 透过对新闻频道成立背景的剖析、对历次改版表象的罗列分析,本文试图从一个时间的纬度&新闻频道的改版轨迹来阐释央视新闻频道在实践中所面临的机遇与挑战。

    The penetration to the news channel establishment background analysis , to all previous edition correction representation display analysis , this article attempts from a time latitude - - news channel edition correction path to explain the opportunity and the challenge which CCTV news channel faces in reality .

  10. 央视《新闻联播》即将改版,而其中的主持人也将面临调整。

    CCTV news broadcast about the revision of the host , which will also face adjustment .

  11. 上周,央视的一档新闻节目报道了一则令人震惊的实习生违规操作事件。

    A startling example of interns who bit off more than they can chew was reported by a CCTV news program last week .

  12. 虽然央视方面否认《新闻联播》正式改版,但承认节目做出了一些调整尝试。

    Although CCTV News denies radical changes , officials admit that adjustments have been made .

  13. 细心的观众还发现,央视收视率最高的新闻节目《新闻联播》,也进行了部分调整。

    And it seems that CCTV News , which tops the organization ` s ratings , has also been given a face-lift .

  14. 原来是央视一位粗心的编辑,未来得及对一家地方台传来的错误高考画面进行审看,便编入了当晚央视《新闻联播》。

    It turned out that a careless editor made it up into the CCTV news of that night without timely scrutinizing the incorrect picture transmitted from a local TV station .