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  • sunglasses;sunnies
  1. 这些太阳镜是为减少刺眼的强光而设计的。

    These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare .

  2. 我把你那副绿色镜片的太阳镜装好了。

    I packed your sunglasses with the green lenses .

  3. 她迅速戴上一副太阳镜。

    She slipped on a pair of sunglasses .

  4. 浅色太阳镜色彩柔和,皮肤白皙的人戴上不会与肤色形成强烈的反差。

    On fair skin , pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring .

  5. 太阳镜用于滤光。

    The sunglasses is used to filter the light .

  6. 专家建议人们根据自己的脸型来选择太阳镜。Square方脸如果你长了一张方脸,时尚专家丹尼斯·考德威尔建议你选择圆框太阳镜。

    If you have a square face , style expert Denise Caldwell suggests looking for round frames .

  7. Heart-shaped心形脸心形脸的人应该选择飞行员太阳镜。

    With a heart-shaped face , think aviators .

  8. 对于圆脸的人来说,方框太阳镜是正确的选择。

    For those with round faces , square frames are the right move .

  9. 考德威尔建议椭圆脸的人这一季选择猫眼太阳镜或经典的徒步旅行者太阳镜。

    Caldwell loves the cat-eye or classic wayfarer style for an oval face this season .

  10. 有些“死亡瞪”威力太强大,隔着太阳镜也能感觉到。

    Some death stares can still be effective even if the starer is wearing sunglasses .

  11. 比如:布鲁斯给了她一个死亡瞪,隔着太阳镜都能感觉到。

    For example : Bruce gave her a death stare that was even detectable1 through his sunglasses .

  12. 实验结束当天的社交媒体视频显示,志愿者在一片掌声中笑眯眯地从洞里出来了。为了保护长时间不见光的眼睛,志愿者都戴上了特制的太阳镜。

    Social media footage from the day shows the smiling volunteers emerging from the cave to a round of applause while wearing special sunglasses to protect their eyes after so long in the dark .

  13. 赛琳(Céline)选她来做新的广告宣传真是太酷了,我想买那些太阳镜。”

    How cool is it that C é line chose her for their new ad campaign ? I want those sunglasses .

  14. 上世纪五、六十年代,FosterGrant出售的太阳镜漂亮、时尚,且人们都买得起。

    In the 1950s and 1960s , Foster Grant sold stylish , fashionable , yet affordable sunglasses .

  15. Royal款的太阳镜,大号的镜框,缀着金色星星团,还有一个金色的Supreme标记。

    There 's the Royal , which features an oversized frame bejeweled with gold stars and a gold Supreme logo ;

  16. 作为大学生,我们虽然没有能力买Gucci牌太阳镜,

    As a college student we all can 't afford Gucci sunglasses ,

  17. CNN特派员爱丽娜·秋:将该品牌拓展到服饰以外的领域——太阳镜、鞋子随后推出。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Expanding the brand beyond clothes-sunglasses , shoes come next .

  18. 这家网站致力于帮助大学生群体搜寻热销折扣产品,例如雷朋(RayBan)太阳镜和iPod附件。

    The site works by finding discounts for groups of college students on popular products like Ray Ban sunglasses or iPod accessories .

  19. 黑色素太阳镜可以降低白内障和与年龄相关的黄斑变异(AMD)的危害。

    Melanin sunglasses can help reduce the risk of cataract and Age-related Macular Degeneration ( AMD ) .

  20. JacksonWu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。

    Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing , a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women .

  21. 例如,假设有一个商店,叫做Bigdog'sSurfShop,这家店销售各种商品,例如太阳镜、衬衫等等。

    For example , imagine you own a store called Bigdog 's Surf Shop that sells a variety of items like sunglasses , shirts , and so on .

  22. 当艾尔维斯·普莱斯利公司听说佩纳是一个歌迷时,它送了各种礼物到智利,包括照片、DVD、CD、一本书和太阳镜。

    When Elvis Presley Enterprises heard Pena was a fan , it sent various gifts to Chile , including a picture , DVDs , CDs , a book and sunglasses .

  23. Prada巴洛克太阳镜Prada出品的巴洛克太阳镜仍然是时尚咖们的首选。透视衬衫搭配中性领结和亮色印花裙

    Prada 's ' Baroque ' sunglasses are still the shades of choice for the fashion pack .

  24. 双包层波导GRIN棒透镜耦合系统的研究太阳镜。运动型的、带有大标志的宽包边墨镜。

    Studies on Coupling System Composed of GRIN Rod Lenses for Double-cladding Planar Waveguides ; Sunglasses : sporty , with wrap-around shapes and big logos .

  25. Elise的兄长Eric和他自己的伴侣Michael就站在Elise的后面,他们穿着一模一样的白色亚麻衬衫并带着太阳镜。

    Elise 's brother Eric and his partner Michael stood right behind them , dressed identically in white linen shirts and wrap-around sunglasses .

  26. CQFD精品店专售法国的独立品牌,为顾客带来Shelter的木制太阳镜(160~190欧元)和Bowtify的木制领结(65~70欧元)。

    CQFD boutique , dedicated to indie French brands , adds wooden sunglasses ( 160 to 190 euros ) from Shelter and wooden bow ties ( 65 to 70 euros ) by Bowtify .

  27. 如果您想知道我为何佩戴黑色太阳镜、假胡须和棒球帽(模仿一个专业冰壶球队TheFloatingStones的徽标),那是因为我正在逃亡之中。

    If you 're wondering why I 'm wearing dark sunglasses , a fake moustache , and a baseball cap ( featuring the logo of professional curling team , The Floating Stones ), I 'm on the lam .

  28. 总部设在达拉斯的依视路美国公司(EssilorofAmerica)是一家光学镜片生产商,该公司客户拓展部高级副总裁、验光师霍华德•珀塞尔(HowardPurcell)说,太阳镜必须要能够阻挡紫外线。

    Howard Purcell , an optometrist and senior vice president of customer development at Dallas-based Essilor of America , a manufacturer of optical lenses , says sunglasses should block UV light .

  29. Sheilas'Wheels汽车保险公司的尼基•波尔顿说:“太多的女司机没有意识到戴夏季最流行款太阳镜开车有危险。”

    Niki Bolton , of car insurers Sheilas ' Wheels , said : " Too many women drivers are unaware of the dangers of wearing some of this summer 's hottest sunglasses ' styles when driving .

  30. Linus心形的太阳镜和闪亮的瓢虫翅膀使她获得了最佳装扮奖。

    Linus the Lovebug 's heart-shaped sunglasses and glittery ladybug wings earned her the title of " best-dressed . "