
  • 网络solar heating;Solar Thermal
  1. 平板式太阳能供热与制冷联合循环的试验研究

    Experimental study on flat plate solar heating and cooling combined system

  2. 欧洲大型太阳能供热系统的应用与设计

    Application and design of large-scale solar heating systems in Europe

  3. 木材干燥的太阳能供热系统

    Study of Heat Supply System of Solar Energy for Drying Lumber

  4. 村镇住宅建筑太阳能供热系统技术经济分析

    The Technical and Economic Analysis of Solar System in Residential Buildings

  5. 在住宅中推广太阳能供热的探讨

    Discussion on the Popularization of the Housing Heating System by Solar Energy

  6. 基于知识的太阳能供热与制冷复合机系统仿真描述

    Simulation of Hybrid System with Combined Cycle of Solar Heater and Cooling Based on Knowledge

  7. 太阳能供热水。

    Solar water heating systems auxiliary heat .

  8. 一种全新型的太阳能供热与制冷联合循环复合系统&Ⅱ:系统动态仿真

    Study on a new hybrid system with combined cycle of solar heating and cooling part ⅱ: dynamic simulation

  9. 该文提出一种全新的平板式太阳能供热与制冷联合循环新思路,并进行了实物样机制作。

    A new flat plate solar combined system with heating and cooling was proposed and experimental prototype device was constructed .

  10. 没必要购买汽油以运行太阳能供热系统,因为阳光对每个人来说都是免费的。

    There is no need to purchase fuel to operate a solar heating system , because sunshine is free to everyone .

  11. 西安清华科技园源动IT工业大厦太阳能供热空调工程设计

    Design For Solar Heating and Cooling of 《 Yuandong IT Industry Plaza of Tsinghua Science and Technology District 》 in Xian City

  12. 针对上海市生态建筑示范楼,本文介绍了太阳能供热水、空调、地板采暖、自然通风复合能量系统的设计及主要部件;

    In this paper , the design and main components of the solar-powered hybrid energy system , which has been put into practice in Shanghai demo-green building is described .

  13. 这些将为系统的优化设计创造有利的条件,对于提高太阳能供热和光伏系统的可靠性和降低投资费用都具有重要的作用。

    These will provide a base for optimum sizing of solar application systems . Therefore , it has important significance in improving reliability of solar heating and photovoltaic systems and reducing investment expenses .

  14. 通过介绍游泳馆太阳能供热系统的设计,指出合理地布置集热器,采用储热水箱、辅助热源及可靠的自控是设计者应该特别注意的地方。

    Through introducting the design of solar heating system of a natatorium , points out that designers should pay more attention to soundly dispose the collectors , storage tanks , auxiliary heat sources and reliable automatic-control .

  15. 本文首先根据小型别墅的热水供应和采暖需要,建立了小型别墅季节性蓄热太阳能供热系统流程,进而根据某一特定城市的气象数据,进行全年逐时的计算机模拟。

    By modeling the flow of solar energy with heating storage to meet hot water supply and heating load for residential house , the system performance is simulated on the basis of given weather date hour by hour .

  16. 此外,作者按照建立的标准化设计方法对全国七个代表地区的典型建筑进行了案例设计与分析,为我国推广村镇太阳能供热采暖系统标准化设计提供了参考依据。

    Finally , in accordance with the design process on behalf of the seven areas of the country makes the typical case design and analysis of buildings , providing design of the solar heating system for rural residential .

  17. 摘要结合欧洲太阳能供热系统的应用情况,介绍了常见大型太阳能供热系统的方案和特点,以及集热器、集热环路、蓄热装置等关键部件的设计方法。

    Based on the application of solar heating systems in europe , presents the schemes and characteristics of typical large-scale solar heating systems and the design methods of critical elements including collectors , solar loops and heat storage devices .

  18. 在此基础上,研究了全年热量平衡,各月太阳能供热量,不同蓄热容量对全年太阳能保证率、集热器集热效率、水箱温度的影响。

    Influence on the solar assurance rate , solar collector thermal efficiency and water temperature in the tank is studied according to the heating balance of whole year , quantity of the solar heating and different heating storage volumes .

  19. 在采暖季节,太阳能供热量不能满足冬季采暖要求,必须依靠辅助能源提供系统所需热能而且太阳能供热百分比较低。

    It is also found that solar heat for heating in the heating season can not meet the requirements of the systems ; it must be provided necessary energy by auxiliary heat , so the percentage of solar heating is low .

  20. 在提出了太阳能供热与制冷联合循环及系统动态仿真的基础上,制作了一台供热与制冷联合循环的实验样机,并模拟一定的太阳能日照辐射量进行了实验研究。

    Based upon the idea of a new hybrid system with combined cycle of solar heating and refrigeration and simulation calculations of the hybrid system , a device for experiment is constructed , and some experimental works of simulating solar radiation are carried out .

  21. 文章仅以煤气锅炉辅助加热的热管太阳能集中供热水系统为例,探讨PLC可编程智能全自动控制器在太阳能集中供热水系统的应用。

    This article , taking as an example the central heating system with solar energy assisted by gas boilers , has probed into the application of programmable automatic intelligent controller in the system .

  22. 智能化控制在太阳能集中供热水系统中的应用

    Application of Intelligent Control in Central Heating Systems with Solar Energy

  23. 燃气与太阳能联合供热系统集热器面积优化

    Optimization of Collector Area of Gas and Solar Heating System

  24. 燃气炉与太阳能联合供热系统的研究

    Studies on combined heating system of gas-chamber and solar energy

  25. 直膨式太阳能热泵供热水系统的性能研究

    Studies on the performance of a direct-expansion solar-assisted heat pump water heating system

  26. 蓄热式电锅炉及太阳能系统供热工程设计

    Heat storage electric boiler and solar energy system design

  27. 单户住宅太阳能热泵供热的技术与经济分析

    Technical and Economical Analysis on Solar Heat Pump Heating System for Single-family House

  28. 太阳能热泵供热系统实验台的设计及误差分析

    Measurement Error Analysis of Solar Assisted Heat Pump System

  29. 太阳能热泵供热系统的实验研究

    Experimental study of solar assisted heat pump ( sahp ) system for heat supply

  30. 本文探讨了在中庭空间设计中利用太阳能辐射供热与自然通风的基本方法。

    The paper explores basic design methods of utilizing solar radiation and natural ventilation in atrium space .