
  1. 今天我们驶往全球著名的米克诺斯岛。如果你不想仅呆在甲板上晒太阳的话,船上提供了一系列有意思的活动供你娱乐。

    A range of activities onboard will be available to keep you occupied should you not wish to spend your morning soaking up the sun on one of the top decks .

  2. 地球外的高等生物,在遥远的地方观察我们的太阳系的话,可以肯定地预期在60亿年的时间内地球将毁灭。

    A race of advanced extraterrestrials watching our solar system from afar could confidently predict Earth 's final doom in another six billion years .

  3. 如果飞机释放的距离近到能够感受到太阳大气的话,它会在1秒之内灰飞烟灭。

    If the plane were released close enough to the Sun to feel its atmosphere at all , it would be vaporized in less than a second .

  4. 换句话说,当你在精神上没有完全准备好和太阳比赛的话,你会发现你会很快的陷入一个大的坑。

    In other words , if a team doesn 't come ready and mentally disciplined to play the suns , they will find themselves in a huge hole very quickly .

  5. 皮肤没有采取任何防晒措施就在太阳下曝晒的话有得皮肤癌的危险。

    Exposure of unprotected skin to the sun carries the risk of developing skin cancer

  6. 黄师父:在太阳底下晒干的话,这种皮可以长时间保留。

    Master Huang : You know , dried in the sun , the peel can be preserved for a long time .

  7. 当天王星与太阳抗争,你的话或者行动会留下时间也不能治愈的伤痕。

    With Uranus doing battle with the Sun , your words and actions may leave lasting scars that may not be mended in time .

  8. 如果太阳是宇宙中心的话,那么一切物体都会朝着太阳方向的去,而事实并非如此,

    If the Sun was at the center of the universe , things would fall toward the Sun and away from the Earth , which of course they didn 't.