
  • 网络Space tourism;space tourist
  1. 两年前,游戏设计师理查德-加利奥特花几十万美金成为世界首位太空游客。结果却发现他不仅不能随身携带iPod,也不能在太空玩游戏。

    Which is probably just as well for game designer Richard Garriott who paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to become one of the world 's first space tourists a couple of years back , only to discover he could bring neither his iPod nor play video games in space .

  2. 如果该机场获得成功,太空游客就可以在特殊建造的设施内进行训练,然后等待升空。

    If it succeeds , space tourists may train and await their launch at specially built facilities .

  3. 世界第一位太空游客客丹尼斯。蒂托实现了他的梦想。

    The world 's first space tourist Dennis Tito had his dream fulfilled .

  4. 令人震惊的是美国的太空游客们也将会因其极为稀薄而受困。

    The overwhelming thing that a US space tourist would be struck by is how incredibly thin they are .

  5. 马斯克说,两位太空游客会绕月球环游一圈,掠过月球表面后去到更远的地方。

    The space tourists would make a loop around the Moon , skimming the lunar surface and then going well beyond , Mr Musk said .

  6. 美国亿万富翁金融家丹尼斯-蒂托正在筹划一次历史性的旅程,在2018年1月将两位平民送上火星。蒂托在2001年成为首位太空游客。

    Dennis Tito , a billionaire financier who in 2001 became the first space tourist , has launched a project to send two civilians on an historic journey to the Red Planet in January 2018 .

  7. 美国亿万富翁金融家丹尼斯-蒂托正在筹划一次“历史性的旅程”,在2018年1月将两位平民送上火星。蒂托在2001年成为首位太空游客。

    Dennis Tito , a billionaire financier who in 2001 became the first space tourist , has launched a project to send two civilians on " an historic journey " to the Red Planet in January 2018 .

  8. 参加太空旅行,游客的身体状况必须达到一定的要求,而且他们只能去国际空间站。

    Space tourists would have to meet medical standards and only be able to go to the International Space Station .

  9. 太空玫瑰&首位太空女游客

    A Rose in Space & the first female space tourist

  10. 据悉,安萨里为此次太空行花了2000万美元,并成为史上第四位乘坐俄制飞船遨游空间站的太空游客。

    Ansari reportedly paid US $ 20 million to become the fourth private astronaut to take a trip on a Russian spacecraft and visit the station .