
tài kōnɡ lǚ xínɡ
  • space travel
  1. 那个年轻人对太空旅行着了迷。

    The young man has a bee in his head about space travel .

  2. 早期军用火箭的试验为太空旅行奠定了基础。

    Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel .

  3. 这是一次太空旅行。

    This is a voyage into space .

  4. 自那以后,只有六人以同样高的天文价位参与了太空旅行。

    Just half a dozen holiday-makers have reached orbit since then , for similarly astronomical price tags .

  5. 维珍银河公司、监管机构和公众如何应对最近的这场悲剧,将决定私人太空旅行能否正式推出、需要多久。

    How Virgin Galactic , regulators and the public respond to this most recent tragedy will determine whether and how soon private space travel can transcend that playground .

  6. 太空旅行可以非常令人愉快,但同时又存在无形的危险。

    Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time invisibly dangerous .

  7. "我一直想去太空旅行,"她说。

    " I 've always wanted to travel into space , " she says .

  8. 而找到水源可能是实现这一目标的关键:不仅让月球表面成为一个太空旅行的目的地,而是让它成为一个可停留的场所。

    And finding a source of water could be the key to making the lunar surface not just a place to visit but a place to stay .

  9. 铝制触控板底部的“TapticEngine”震动回馈,让用户感觉它似乎在太空旅行一般。

    The " Taptic Engine " underneath the aluminum pad leaves the user with the impression that it 's traveling in space .

  10. WorldView公司——太空旅行人均75000美元,其提供的是乘客在一个密封舱中体验旅行,这个密封舱是被离地球上方100000英尺的一个翼伞和太空气球吊在太空中的。

    World View Enterprises - For $ 75000 per seat , a pressurized capsule is hauled up by a space balloon and parafoil to 100000 feet above earth .

  11. n.奇迹太空旅行是我们这个时代的一种奇迹。

    marvel Space travel is one of the marvels of our time .

  12. TheMarsOneProject公司——它提供的太空旅行是免费的,但是有个条件——“移民先驱”不能返回地球,要在火星上生活和工作,将火星当做今后永久的新家。

    The Mars One Project - It 's free , but there 's a catch - " pioneer settlers " will not return to Earth , but will live and work on Mars , making it their permanent new home .

  13. 维珍集团(VirginGroup)联合创始人理查德o布兰森向来天马行空,他的社交帐户充满了各种跟太空旅行和深海潜水有关的话题,这一点也不奇怪等等,看那张他冲浪的照片,他竟然还背着一位裸体模特?

    It comes as no surprise that the social accounts of free-spirit Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson are chockablock with spaceship riding , deep-sea diving , and - wait , was that a picture of him kite-surfing with a naked model on his back ?

  14. 他们三人将在卢和马伦岑科做完为期一周的太空旅行之后乘坐另一艘Soyuz宇宙飞船返回地球。

    The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour .

  15. 友谊万岁《黑衣人》的核心便是探员K和J的友情。在外星人与太空旅行这两个主题之间,讲述了一对搭档的故事——运用科幻来诠释出友谊、忠诚和天外来客这些永恒的主题。

    At the core of Men in Black is the relationship between agents K and J. Somewhere between the aliens and space travel there 's a story about two partners-a futuristic take on those timeless themes of friendship , loyalty and extraterrestrials .

  16. 多亏了探索号于星期三执行的终结飞行以及人们越来越热衷于太空旅行,NASA正努力尝试着提供更多让普通百姓进入太空的机会。

    With its future unsure thanks to Discovery 's final flight on Wednesday as well as growing interest in commercial space flight , NASA is trying to make space for the average citizen a bit more personal .

  17. 不过SpaceX在推文中指出,这项最新计划是让怀揣太空旅行之梦的普通人梦想成真的重要一步。

    In the message , however , SpaceX described the latest plan as " an important step toward enabling access for everyday people who dream of traveling to space . "

  18. 穆斯克接着聊起了超光速太空旅行、火星移民等太空计划,以及一个名为Hyperloop的高速交通系统。这个系统的速度将是高速列车的三到四倍,不会撞车,而且不受气候的影响。

    Musk went on to consider bending space to allow for faster-than-light travel , Mars settlements , and a rapid transit system called a Hyperloop that is three or four times faster than a bullet train , would never crash , and is immune to weather .

  19. 以下介绍的就是几家航空公司推出的几种太空旅行的方式:XCOR航空公司——太空旅行人均95000美元,提供猞猁火箭飞机-可容纳一名飞行员和一名乘客,可以进行每天4次的太空旅行,2014年开始试飞。

    Below are a few options for the discerning space traveler : XCOR Aerospace - At $ 95000 per person , the Lynx rocket plane - which can hold a pilot plus one passenger - will take tourists to suborbital space and will make four trips per day . Test flights began in 2014 .

  20. 在太空旅行不久即将成为现实。

    It will come true to travel in space very soon .

  21. 他完成太空旅行后返回地球。

    He returned to the Earth after his journey into space .

  22. 这样的一台人体离心机会复制太空旅行的感觉。

    A human centrifuge that replicates what space travel feels like .

  23. 」这出自1960年的太空旅行文献。

    That came from a 1960 paper on space travel .

  24. 水下旅行和太空旅行有很多相同之处。

    Under water travel and space travel have many things in common .

  25. 教授的一席话激起了帕特里克对太空旅行的兴趣。

    The professor 's words sparked Patrick 's interest in space travel .

  26. 太空旅行的真正危险是什么?

    But is it possible that the travelers hit by the meteors ?

  27. 太空旅行是现代人最伟大的成就之一。

    Space travel is one of the greatest achievements of modem man .

  28. 太空旅行肯定会是很奇妙的。

    It would be wonderful to travel in the space .

  29. 太空旅行过去只是梦想。

    Space travel used to be just a dream .

  30. 爱因斯坦对太空旅行的理论有很大的影响。

    Albert Einstein had a great influence on the theories of space travel .