
  • 网络The Pacific Century
  1. 要使这一构想在太平洋世纪奏效,人们不应求助于中国的理论家,或是美国的理想主义者,而应学习终极现实主义者:19世纪奥地利外交家克莱门斯冯梅特涅(KlemensvonMetternich)。

    For that to work in the Pacific century one should turn not to a Chinese theoretician nor to an American idealist , but to the ultimate realist : Prince Klemens von Metternich .

  2. 但他的真实意思大概是,现在既不应是美国的太平洋世纪,也不是中国的。

    But what he probably meant was that this should not be an American Pacific Century , nor a Chinese one .

  3. 而本周在夏威夷首府檀香山召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)论坛上,巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的话题几乎就没有离开过太平洋世纪。

    And this week , at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Honolulu , Barack Obama talked about hardly anything else .

  4. 现在世界上有人在讲“亚洲太平洋世纪”。

    Some people abroad are talking about the'Asia-Pacific century ' .

  5. 亚洲太平洋世纪也许需要一个效率更高的协调人和组织者。

    Asia-Pacific century may be a need for more efficient coordination and organizers .

  6. 人们都在说“亚洲太平洋世纪”,我们站的是什么位置?

    People are talking about the " asia-pacific century " . where do we stand ?

  7. moelis&co为太平洋世纪提供顾问服务,包括长达8个月的谈判期。

    Moelis & Co advised PCM on the deal , which involved eight months of negotiations .

  8. 21世纪是太平洋世纪,已日益被国际社会所公认。

    It is increasingly recognized by the international society that the 21st century will be the century of the Pacific Ocean .

  9. 美国敢言“21世纪是美国的太平洋世纪”,这一霸气主要源自于美国的综合实力。

    The United States of America outspoken " twenty-first Century is American Pacific Century ", the domineering mainly comes from the United States of America 's comprehensive strength .

  10. 近几年有一种议论,说下个世纪是亚洲太平洋世纪,好像这样的世纪就要到来。

    In recent years people have been saying that the next century will be the century of Asia and the Pacific , as if that were sure to be the case .

  11. 几周前,美国国务卿希拉里向《外交政策》杂志撰写了一篇冗长的文章,在这篇文章中她提到了一些概念,她把这称为“美国的太平洋世纪”。

    A few weeks ago , the secretary of state published a lengthy piece in Foreign Policy magazine in which she laid out the terms of what she called America 's Pacific Century .

  12. 北及赤道东太平洋SST近半个世纪的长期变化

    The SST Variations in North and Eastern Equatorial Pacific from 1951 to 1997

  13. 这座珊瑚岛位于太平洋,在20世纪40至50年代曾是美国的核武试验基地,但在数十年寂静的休养生息之后,今日的它美艳惊人,初见时我们根本猜不到那段历史。

    This coral island in the Pacific Ocean was the site of American nuclear weapons tests in the 1940s and 1950s , but after decades left to itself it is now dazzlingly beautiful in a way that belies its history .