
  • 网络The Taiping Rebellion
  1. 太平天国运动是中国现代化的助产士&兼论特殊环境下阶级斗争的历史作用

    The Taiping Rebellion Was the Midwife of Modernization of China and Concurrently Discuss the Historical Action of the Class Struggle in the Special Environment

  2. 而这两次以清王朝为主体的早期现代化运动都与此前发生的太平天国运动和义和团运动密切相关。

    These two incidents of modernization movements led by the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were closely connected with the Taiping Rebellion and Yihetuan ( corps of Righteousness and Harmony ) Movement out-broken earlier .

  3. 论太平天国运动成败的关键

    On the Success and Failure of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 's Movement

  4. 太平天国运动是中国历史上一次伟大的农民起义。

    The TaiPing Heavenly Kingdom Movement was a great peasant uprising .

  5. 从我看来,太平天国运动具有极大的破坏性。

    For my side , the Taiping was the most destructive .

  6. 太平天国运动客家武装移民辨

    An Argument on " Hakka Armed Migrate " of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

  7. 太平天国运动对江南社会的冲击与影响

    Effect and Impact of the Taiping Movement on the Society of Southern China

  8. 太平天国运动对八旗的冲击泥石流的阵性波状运动

    Exercise . The Impact on the Eight Banners by Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement

  9. 太平天国运动的发起人是在科举考试中屡试不中的读书人洪秀全。

    The founder of the Taiping Movement was the frustrated scholar Hong Xiuquan .

  10. 美国传教士与太平天国运动

    American Missionaries and the Taiping Revolutionary Movement

  11. 太平天国运动制定、颁布了一系列男女平等的政策;

    The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom enacted and promulgated a series of policies on sexual equality .

  12. 文章的第二部分论述汉代以后一直到太平天国运动以前的大同思想。

    The second part of article describes the idea from Han Dynasty to Taiping Heavenly Kingdom uprising .

  13. 太平天国运动的冲击,促使人们思想观念发生变化。

    Under the impact of the Taiping movement , people 's idea and thought had undergone changes .

  14. 太平天国运动加速了中国近代历史的进程,推动了洋务运动的勃兴。

    The Taiping movement accelerated the progress of China 's modern history and promoted the Westernization Movement .

  15. 本文通过对法国大革命、英国资产阶级革命和太平天国运动的案例分析,从几个方面证明了本文的理论模型对于现实具有较强的解释力。

    Analyses of French Revolution , English Bourgeois Revolution and Taiping Revolution demonstrate explanation strengths of the model .

  16. 拜上帝会给太平天国运动带来了主导思想和组织力量。

    Worship god brought the leading thoughts and organizational strength to the movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom .

  17. 太平天国运动组织是一个不分军事、政治、宗教作用但有着严格等级制度的组织。

    The organization of the movement was a strict hierarchy without separating military , political and clerical functions .

  18. 试论太平天国运动的历史意义和国际影响&重温马克思、恩格斯对太平天国运动的光辉论述

    On the Historical Significance and the International Influence of the Kingdom of Heaven 's Movements of Peace and Tranquility

  19. 太平天国运动,戊戌变法,义和团运动,不甘屈服的中国人民一次次抗争,但又一次次失败。

    The unyielding Chinese people had struggled to fight in Taiping Rebellion , Hundred Days'Reform , Boxer Uprising , but in vain .

  20. 湖南社会军事情结是在19世纪中叶的动乱尤其是太平天国运动的背景下形成并发展的。

    Hunan social military complex raised and developed in the background of turmoil , particular the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the mid-19th century .

  21. 太平天国运动一开始就是一场以推翻清王朝,建立新的王朝太平天国为目的的农民战争。

    Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement is a peasant war whose goal is to overturn Qing Dynasty and build up its own new Dynasty since it began .

  22. 作为我国近代史上一次声势浩大的农民起义,太平天国运动在短短数年间从金田小寇迅速发展为席卷大半个中国的起义运动。

    In just a few years , Taiping Heavenly Kingdom developed into an overwhelming peasant movement covering an area larger than half China in modern Chinese history .

  23. 你的资产负债表到底多大?1861年,上海遭到来自一个由自诩为耶稣幼弟的人领导的流血起义&太平天国运动的袭击。

    How big is your balance-sheet ? IN1861 Shanghai came under attack from the Taiping rebellion , a bloody uprising led by the self-proclaimed younger brother of Jesus Christ .

  24. 太平天国运动初期,由于美国传教士对清政府的不满,因而对这场具有基督教色彩的运动表示欢迎和支持。

    In the early days of the Taiping Revolutionary Movement , the American missionaries were so dissatisfied with the Qing government that they welcomed and supported the movement , which had the colour of Christianity .

  25. 青帮在1853年之后活动地区由水码头转为旱码头,红帮在太平天国运动中迅速发展,以哥老会的迅速发展为代表。

    Green gang after the 1853 event by water port into a dry dock , Hong band in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement is developing rapidly , represented by the rapid development of the Gelao society .

  26. 学界围绕太平天国妇女运动的性质即是不是一场男女平等的妇女解放运动进行了讨论。

    It has been discussed by Academia whether the women 's liberation movement in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was a sexually equal female liberation movement .

  27. 太平天国农民革命运动,曾经取得辉煌胜利,受到马克思恩格斯的高度赞扬,称它带来了“东方新纪元的曙光”。

    The Taipingtianguo movement historically won brilliant victory and was highly praised by Max to " bring the dawn of the Oriental New age " .

  28. 他的生平活动同太平天国、洋务运动、戊戍变法、辛亥革命都有联系。

    His lifetime activities had all the links with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom , the Westernization Movement , the Reform Movement of1898 and the Revolution of1911 .