- prefect;prefecture chief in feudal China

[prefect] 汉朝设立的一郡最高行政主管官吏。隋唐后的刺史、知府也别称太守
太守即遣人。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》
太守自谓也。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》
Time Feature and Individual Feature of Aesthetic Interest in Medieval Literature
Your Qing dynasty methods are way out of date .
He was too italian , still too old-style .
They 're so old-fashioned , and they never let me do anything .
They are too law-abiding and to acquiescent .
That sounds like a thinly veiled attempt to criticize Chinese schools for being too old-fashioned .
My idea of Christmas , whether old-fashioned or modern , is very simple : loving others .
But we think that the annual sale of five hundred violins for a sole distributor in America is rather conservative .
For those who considered France too restive , conservative or skittish for change , Mr Sarkozy 's victory suggests otherwise .
The emperor had a dozen magistrates executed , for being guilty of false measurement , and ordered to speed up measuring fields .
To suppress the uprising , the Eastern Han sovereign had to give power to the local lords and admitted and supported nonpublically the local militias to fight against the outlaws .
When Wang Yi-gung was executed by the emperor for a mistake that he had made , Wu Ching-jr blamed himself , and resolved that he would never again work for the government .
He said : " I was wondering if you are too rigid and make your girl obey the rules too seriously , will she be lack of imagination and creativity when she grows up ?"
However , the various local feudal lords ended up with strong political and military strength . In addition , for fearing of that they might lose their local control , these local lords united and elected the capable and celebrated lord their leader , therefore the Eastern Han authoriy was severely shaken and became virtually a puppet one .
Yuan Shao extended his power to the north of the Yellow River , while in further south , between the Yellow River and the Huai River , there was a tense and vicious conflict between Yuan Shu , Cao Cao , and Tao Qian , the Governor of Xu province , Lu Bu from the northwest and Liu Bei ,