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  1. 这纸不太光。

    This paper is not smooth enough .

  2. 墙上太光秃秃了,我们是不是该贴几张画?

    The walls looks a bit bare-can 't we put some pictures up ?

  3. 我不喜欢剃得太光,不愿意让他给我再来上一通。

    I do not like a close shave , and would not let him go over me a second time .

  4. 当一个幸福之门关闭时,另一扇门却为你打开,不过我们经常只会太久的光瞪着已关闭的那一扇门,而忽略了早已为我们打开的大门。

    When the door of happiness closes , another opens ; But often times we look so long at the Closed Door that we don 't see the one , Which has been opened for us .

  5. 她的问题太严重了,光靠她自己是没法解决的。

    Her problem was just too big for her to tackle on her own

  6. 油箱里面的油只有这么多了,你要是太快把油耗光可就麻烦了。

    There is only so much fuel in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in trouble

  7. 他太蠢了,光碰到他多要拐向走。

    He 's so dense , the light bends around his .

  8. 另外,我们的颈部会下垂,看起来就像火鸡一样。因为吸收太多的太阳光将会导致人类的皮肤松弛、眼皮松垂。

    We could end up with saggy turkey necks too because extra sun will cause loose skin and baggy eyelids .

  9. 他的鞋子、拖鞋和长统靴都太大,但光着脚在甲板上走她倒不在乎。

    His shoes , sandals and sea-boots were hopelessly big but she did not mind going barefoot on board ship .

  10. 如果你听到的每件事吵个哼,那你可能有太多的环境光在你的房间里。

    If all you hear is a loud hum , then you probably have too much ambient light in your room .

  11. 因为这里太深了,光透不进去,而植物又需要光来合成养料,因此植物在这里很难生存。

    The deep sea is too deep for light to penetrate while plants need light to make their food , so plants cannot live in this ocean zone .

  12. 或者可能会无限地崩塌下去,变成奇点,也就是一个黑洞,其巨大引力场甚至连光都无法逃逸,因为周围的空间太过弯曲,光会直接转弯回到原处。

    Or they might collapse without limit into a singularity & a black hole from whose immense gravitational field not even light can escape , since the surrounding space is so bent that light just turns back on itself .

  13. 或者可能会无限地崩塌下去,变成“奇点”,也就是一个黑洞,其巨大引力场甚至连光都无法逃逸,因为周围的空间太过弯曲,光会直接转弯回到原处。

    Or they might collapse without limit into a " singularity " - a black hole from whose immense gravitational field not even light can escape , since the surrounding space is so bent that light just turns back on itself .