
  1. 混合熔剂半熔ICP-AES测定天青石矿中的锶、钡、钙、镁和铁

    Determinations of Sr , Ba , Ca , Mg and Fe in Celestine by ICP-AES with Mixed Semi-Molten Flux

  2. 青海省天青石矿的选矿工艺设计

    Design of beneficiation process for celestite ore of Qinghai province

  3. 天青石矿制取高纯度碳酸锶的研究

    On Preparation Method of Pure Strontium Carbonate by Celestine

  4. 云南兰坪天青石矿重选试验研究

    Experiment Study on gravity concentration of the Celestine ores in lanping , yunnan Province

  5. 天青石矿是后生矿床,其成矿物质主要来自三叠纪含盐系。

    The celestite ore was epigenetic , its mineralization substances mostly came from the Triassic salty series .

  6. 意法半导体业界认为,金瑞,风山家天青石矿,是摆脱了沉重的负担。

    Industry believe that ST Jinrui , the home of wind Celestite Mine Hill , is to get rid of a heavy burden .

  7. 对青海省天青石矿的资源特点、选矿工艺的设计、效益估算及有待进一步研究的问题进行了综合论述。

    The resource features , the design of the beneficiation process , the benefit estimation of Qinghai celestite ores and the problems to be further studied were described comprehensively .

  8. 天青石及锶矿中硫酸锶的测定

    Determination of Strontiam Sulfate in Celestite and Strontiam Ore

  9. 中国(天青石)锶矿资源丰富,矿床以大型、特大型单一(天青石)锶矿为主,构成我国目前主要的工业锶源。

    China holds rich celestite resources with deposits represented by large and super large simple celestite occurrences and constituting the country 's leading commercial Sr source .

  10. 一种软质的银白色或淡黄色碱金属元素,在空气中变黄,见于天青石和菱锶矿中。

    A soft silver-white or yellowish metallic element of the alkali metal group ; turns yellow in air ; occurs in celestite and strontianite .

  11. 依据其菊花石原生矿物组成,将我国菊花石划分为天青石型(浏阳菊花石为典型)、菱锶矿型(宣恩、来宾菊花石)和天青石-菱锶矿混合型(永丰型菊花石)菊花石三种类型。

    According to the primary composition , the chrysanthemum stones in china are divided into three types : i. e. celestite type ;