
  1. 天舟二号是目前世界上最强的货运航天器。

    Tianzhou-2 is currently the world 's most powerful cargo spacecraft .

  2. 核心舱已进入与天舟二号货运飞船对接的轨道。

    It has also entered an orbit to rendezvous with the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft .

  3. 他们将打开装在天舟二号内的货物,以获得生活及工作材料。

    They will unpack the goods stowed inside Tianzhou-2 to obtain their living and working materials .

  4. 满载物资、设备和推进剂的中国天舟二号货运飞船,已与中国空间站天和核心舱成功对接。

    China 's Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft loaded with supplies , equipment and propellant has docked with the Tianhe core module of the country 's space station .