
  • 网络Antenna Phase Center
  1. GPS接收机天线相位中心变化对基线解的影响

    Effects of GPS Receiver Antenna Phase Center Variation on GPS Baseline Solutions

  2. 天线相位中心移动对GPS观测量的影响

    Effects of Antenna Phase Center Movement on GPS Observables

  3. 台风对GPS连续观测站天线相位中心影响研究

    Analysis of Typhoon Effect on GPS Continuous Observation Station Antenna Phase-center

  4. 旋转法检测GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差

    Test of the Phrase Center of GPS Receiver Antenna Using Rotation Method

  5. GPS掩星探测天线相位中心的校准

    Calibrating Antenna Phase Center in GPS Radio Occultation Measurements

  6. GPS接收机噪声对天线相位中心检测的影响分析

    Analysis of influence of GPS receiver noise on calibration of antena phase center

  7. GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差的检测

    The Determination of Antenna Phase Center for GPS Receiver

  8. GPS天线相位中心变化及测试

    Variation and testing of GPS antenna phase center

  9. GPS天线相位中心垂直方向偏差的研究

    The Research of the Antenna Phase Center Deflection of GPS in the Vertical Direction

  10. GPS组合天线相位中心垂直分量偏差的试验测定

    Testing mensuration of the vertical component deviation of phase center of GPS antenna combinations

  11. 天线相位中心一致性的检测是GPS接收机检定工作中必不可少的内容。

    It is essential for GPS receiver verification to detect the phase center deviation of antenna .

  12. 一种GPS天线相位中心偏移量的测定与计算方法

    A Method to Measure and Calculate the Deviation of the Antenna Phase Center of the GPS Receiver

  13. 讨论了固体潮对GPS时间传递接收机天线相位中心坐标的摄动改正。

    The correction of the solid tide perturbation to the coordinate of the phase center of GPS receiver has been present .

  14. 阐述了天线相位中心的基本概念,定量研究了天线相位中心移动对GPS观测量的影响。

    This paper presents a concept of antenna phase center . Effects of antenna center movement on GPS ob - servables are studied .

  15. 对文献[1]介绍的GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差参数检测的一般方法,在计算方法上作了简化,使概念更加明确;

    In this paper , an improved method for determination of GPS receiver antenna phase centre deviation is introduced . This method has simplified the formula of calculation .

  16. 计算机模拟表明,要获得准确GPS观测量来进行导航定位,必须进行天线相位中心引起误差的校正。

    The outputs of simulation show that the real time error correction due to GPS antenna phase cen - ter movement is needed in order to acquire precision GPS observables .

  17. 评述了GPS技术目前存在的问题,包括与SLR测量之间存在的系统偏差、GPS技术本身可能存在的周年变化和GPS卫星天线相位中心的变化。

    The main problems in GPS technology including the system bias to SLR , its own annual variety and the change of GPS satellite antenna phase center are also discussed .

  18. 虽然GPS观测技术可以提供三维的地壳运动信息,但由于大气折射、发射和接收天线相位中心误差等因素的存在,GPS垂向定位精度较低。

    Although GPS measurements can provide three-dimensional crustal deformation , due to the atmospheric refraction , the antenna phase centers of satellite and receiver , the accuracy of vertical positioning is lower than the horizontal .

  19. 并且编写出一套matlab程序用来计算天线相位中心及相位中心稳定度,可用于指导天线的仿真设计工作。

    We have developed a Matlab program to help the determination of antenna phase center , and the calculation of the phase center stability , which can be used to guide the design of the antenna conveniently .

  20. 根据GPS接收机天线相位中心的几何关系,在超短基线相对定位法的基础上,利用旋转天线,结合精密水准测量,给出了一种天线相位中心偏差三维检验的方法。

    On the basis of the relative positioning method and the revolving method , by using the precise leveling , a new method is put forward for examining the antenna phase center three-dimensional bias of GPS receiver with the geometric relation of the antenna phase centers and the mini baseline .

  21. SAR要求天线相位中心的运动状态为匀速直线运动,但对机载SAR而言,载机所受的大气扰动会使APC偏离理想运动状态,从而产生运动误差,造成图象质量下降,分辨率降低。

    SAR system requires that the velocity of Antenna Phase Center ( APC ) must be constant , but to airborne SAR , due to the atmosphere turbulence , APC will deviate from ideal motion track , which will worsen image quality and resolution .

  22. 当仅考虑地球自转改正、卫星的天线相位中心偏差改正、相对论改正等影响时,静态解与已知坐标的差异小于12cm,均方根(RMS)小于5cm。

    When only taken into consideration the earth rotation correction , the satellite antenna phase center offset and satellite orientation as well as relativity corrections , the static solution disagree to known coordinates with in 12 cm . The RMS is less than 5 cm .

  23. 卫星导航接收天线相位中心的测量

    Measurement of the Phase Center of Satellite Navigation Receiving Antenna

  24. 接着对天线相位中心的测量技术进行初步的研究。

    Then the measurement tech-nique of the antenna phase center is studied .

  25. 对数周期偶极子天线相位中心的分析和计算

    Analysis and Calculation for the Phase Center of the LPDA

  26. 天线相位中心偏移方位多波束合成孔径雷达的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Displaced Phase Centers Multiple Azimuth Beam Synthetic Aperture Radar

  27. 计算天线相位中心的移动参考点法

    Calculation of phase center gor the antenna with the method of moving reference point

  28. 超宽带天线相位中心测量

    Phase Center Measurement of UWB Antenna

  29. 计算对数周期偶极子天线相位中心的变步长法考虑直流系统开关特性控制的变步长仿真算法

    Calculation for Phase Center of LPDA with Variable Step Variable-step Simulation Method Considering HVDC Controls With Switching Characteristics

  30. 根据估计得到的多普勒中心频率和多普勒调频斜率我们计算出载机的速度和雷达天线相位中心斜视角,从而进行方位向精确聚焦。

    We can obtain the velocity of aircraft and the angle of radar antenna phase center in order to focus in azimuth accurately .