
  • 网络antenna aperture
  1. 合成孔径激光成像雷达(V):成像分辨率和天线孔径函数

    Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar ( V ): Imaging Resolution and Antenna Aperture Function

  2. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)利用合成孔径原理和脉冲压缩技术,突破了天线孔径对方位向分辨率的限制,实现了对远距离目标进行二维高分辨率成像,在军事和民用领域都取得了广泛的应用。

    Based on the principle of synthetic aperture and pulse compression technology , Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) broke through the limitation of real antenna aperture realized 2-D high-resolution imaging to distant targets , and got widely used in both military and civil fields .

  3. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是利用雷达与目标的相对运动把尺寸较小的真实天线孔径用数据处理的方法合成一较大的等效天线孔径的雷达。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) is a form of radar in which , the large antenna aperture radar is equivalently replaced with a number of real small antenna aperture radars by data processing , taking advantage of the relative motion between the sensors and the objectives .

  4. 测向阵列需要具有高分辨能力,且具有较大的天线孔径。

    So , these systems always require high resolution and large array aperture .

  5. 天线孔径相位分布对综合阵列方向图和多普勒-时延响应的影响

    Effects of antenna aperture phase distribution on the synthetic array pattern and the doppler-delay response

  6. 本文讨论了接收天线孔径平滑效应对空间相关性的影响。

    This paper discusses the influence of the aperture smoothing effect on the spatial correlation .

  7. 由于导引头具有很宽的工作频率范围,天线孔径尺寸受弹径限制,因此导引头的角分辨率低。

    Due to its wide operating frequency range and its restricted antenna aperture by missile diameter , the angular resolving power of ARRS is limited .

  8. 大气激光通信系统的误码率不仅受到振动时振幅大小的影响,而且受到光学发射天线孔径的影响。

    The bit error rate of an atmospheric laser communication system is affected by not only vibration amplitude but also the aperture of optical transmitting antenna .

  9. 每部相控阵雷达需要上千个移相器,才能控制天线孔径面上各辐射单元的相位变化进而实现快速扫描。

    Every Phased-Array Rader needs thousands of Phase Shifters , which control the phase of radiator elements in the antenna aperture surface to scan beams fast .

  10. 结果表明:在一定通信距离下,增大接收天线孔径或者发射光束的腰斑半径,能够有效减小大气湍流造成的系统误码,提高系统对湍流的抗干扰能力。

    The analysis shows that in a certain distance and by increasing the receiving aperture and intial beam radius , the anti-influence capability of the system is improved .

  11. 通过增加天线孔径尺寸来获取高分辨的无源毫米波图像的方法会极大的增加系统成本,而且增加天线孔径大小也面临许多技术难题。

    Though the resolution of PMMW images can be enhanced through increasing the aperture dimension , it will make a high cost and suffer some tech-limitations in the fact .

  12. 给出了计算阵列透镜配相、介质透镜外形曲线和平面相控阵天线孔径相位的若干计算公式。

    Many formulae used to calculate fixed phase distribution for the array lens , configuration curve of the dielectric lens and aperture phase of a feed phased array are derived .

  13. 然而,由于天线孔径限制和衍射受限的影响,毫米波无源成像具有低通效应,从而导致系统所获取的图像分辨率较低。

    However , PMMW imaging always has low-pass filtering effect due to the finite size of the antenna and the underlying diffraction limits . Hence , acquired images have poor resolution .

  14. 相控阵雷达通过电的方式控制天线孔径面上各辐射单元的相位变化,以实现波束的快速扫描,使其具有灵活、变化快速、多功能等优点。

    Phase Array Radar can scan beams fast by controlling the phase of radiator elements in the antenna aperture surface , which shows many excellences such as agility , change celerity and multifunction .

  15. 通过增大发射功率、提高天线孔径的方法虽然可以改善信噪比,但是具体实现上会受到诸多现实条件的限制,工程实现难度很大,甚至不可行。

    Although by increasing the transmitter power , antenna aperture would improve SNR , the concrete realization is always subject to many reality conditions , the project implementation is very difficult , even impossible .

  16. 得到影响单光子捕获概率的主要参量是发射机的跟瞄误差、光束远场发散角、发射机和接收机的链路距离和接收机天线孔径。

    The parameters that influence the single photon acquisition probability are the transmitter 's tracking-pointing error , the far-field divergence angle , the link distance between transmitter and receiver and the receiver 's antenna aperture .

  17. 相控阵雷达通过制阵列天线孔径的幅相分布,形成需要的波束形状和波束指向,完成相应空域的扫描。

    Phased array radar scan the corresponding airspace by the demanding beam shape and direction , which is steered by the distribution of the aperture amplitude and phase of the array antennas controled by the beam steering system .

  18. 仿真结果发现,主星到伴随微小卫星的距离对距离模糊度的影响较大,而对方位模糊度的影响较小,方位模糊度受微小卫星天线孔径大小的影响较大。

    Results of simulation show that the range of the master satellite to micro-satellites has a greater effect on ambiguity in range but a smaller effect on ambiguity in azimuth , while aperture of micro-satellite has a greater effect on ambiguity in azimuth .

  19. 为避免测向的模糊,均匀线阵的阵元间距一般不大于接收信号波长的一半,阵元数一定时,天线孔径就被限定了。

    In order to avoid angle estimation ambiguity problem , the sensor spacing of the Uniform Linear Array is generally set no more than half the wavelength of the source signal . Thus , the array aperture is fixed if the sensor number is chosen .

  20. 由于其方位向分辨率受到天线孔径的制约,而距离向分辨率受到发射信号带宽的限制,所以,近年来,多个国家或国际组织均提出利用编队卫星系统来提高合成孔径雷达的空间分辨率。

    Because its azimuth resolution is restricted by the antenna size , and its range resolution is restricted by the bandwidth of the transmit signal , in recent years , improving space resolution by formation flying satellite system is proposed by some countries or international organizations .

  21. 但由于工作频率和天线孔径的限制,以及成像过程中的其它一些降质因素的影响,使得通过无源毫米波辐射计获得的图像数据分辨率非常低,大大阻碍了毫米波技术的发展。

    However , the imagery data acquired directly by PMMW radiometer are inherently poor resolution due to the limited operating frequency and antenna aperture as well as the influence of the degrading factors of the procedures of the imaging , which is obstacle for the development of the PMMW technology .

  22. 这为合理选择光学发射天线的孔径提供了理论依据。

    This provides theoretical basis for reasonably selecting aperture of optical transmitting antenna .

  23. 阵列天线辐射孔径内的电流分布与阵元输入口端电压之间的关系

    Relationship between Current Distribution in the Radiating Aperture of Array Antenna and Input Excitation Voltage of Array

  24. 传统的凝视成像,也即实孔径成像,其角度分辨率受实际天线阵列孔径的约束,限制了其在实际中的应用。

    The angle resolution of the traditional staring imaging , ie. the real-aperture imaging is limited by the actual antenna array aperture .

  25. 通过数值仿真计算研究分析了光学发射天线的孔径等不同因素与光学发射天线增益的关系。

    The numerical solution is gotten by numerical simulation and the relations of influence of parameters on the optical emitting antenna gain are analyzed .

  26. 本论文研究了多天线合成孔径雷达动目标尤其是地面慢速运动目标的检测方法,如何提高动目标检测概率,全面获取动目标的运动参数并对动目标精确聚焦。

    This dissertation studies the multi-antenna SAR MTD especially ground slow moving targets , makes an improvement on it in order to get high detection probability and good focusing of moving target .

  27. 旋转式合成孔径雷达(ROSAR):一种基于旋转天线的合成孔径雷达的原理

    ROSAR : A SAR concept based on rotating antennas

  28. 具有转动天线的合成孔径雷达

    Synthetic Aperture Radar with Rotating Antennas

  29. 在阵列信号处理中,利用四阶累积量可以使阵列虚拟扩展,增大了天线阵的孔径,但同时也增加了算法的计算量。

    In array signal processing , the fourth-order cumulant can be applied to extend array virtually and enlarge aperture of array antenna , but computation load of algorithm would also increase .

  30. 研究了顺轨双天线机载干涉合成孔径雷达(InSAR)的海面运动舰船目标成像问题。

    The moving ship imaging problem is investigated based on along track airborne InSAR with two antennas .