
  • Castle in the Sky;Rule the Sky
  1. 这次他们的将在天空之城争霸。

    This will be their city of hegemony in the sky .

  2. 把灯全部关掉后,我们看到了一个壮观的天空之城。

    Turn them all off and we are greeted with the spectacular sight & a city in the sky .

  3. 把灯全部关掉后,我们看到了——一个壮观的天空之城。

    Turn them all off and we are greeted with the spectacular sight --- a city in the sky .

  4. 他计划在湖南省修建的预制装配式高层建筑“天空之城”将达到202层,高度为838米。

    His proposed high-rise prefab in Hunan Province called sky city will soar 202 stories to a height of 838 meters .

  5. 张跃说,天空之城可在7个月内完工,而其他超高层建筑至少需要5年,并且天空之城的能效提高了5倍。

    Zhang says that sky city can be built in seven months compared to at least five years for other super high-rises and is five times more energy efficient .

  6. 时光飞逝,我发现自己只是个追梦人,而失败是追梦人的宿命,因为梦想在那虚无的天空之城。

    TIME flies , I find that I 'm only a DREAMCATCHER , and the DESTINY of the dreamcatchers is Failure , because the dream is in the LAPUTA .

  7. 张跃说:“天空之城将使道路上减少大约2000辆汽车,因为住户在他们居住的地方就能找到他们需要的大多数东西。”

    Says Zhang : " sky city will take some 2,000 cars off the road simply because its residents can find most of what they need right where they live . "

  8. 从《风之谷》中广袤的后末日丛林到《天空之城》中的19世纪科幻怪谈,他所创造出的世界光怪陆离,令人着迷。

    The worlds he creates - the teeming post-apocalyptic jungle world of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind , the strange 19th-century science fiction of Laputa : Castle in the Sky - are as peculiar as they are captivating .

  9. 被评选出来的新的世界七大奇迹为(名次不分先后):中国长城、约旦红玫瑰古城、墨西哥玛雅古城、巴西基督像、意大利古罗马斗兽场、秘鲁天空之城和印度泰姬陵。

    The New7Wonders of the World , in random order , are : The Great Wall of China , Petra , Chich é n Itz á, the Statue of Christ Redeemer , the Colosseum , Machu Picchu and the Taj Mahal .

  10. 在这里将介绍你从未见过的世界上最美最壮观的地方,有南极大陆的美景,天空之城,隐藏的海滩,还有其他令你意想不到的地方。

    This is probably the most beautiful places and most spectacular in the world that is very rarely seen before . From the beauty of Antarctica , the cities above the clouds , hidden beaches are spectacular , and other places . 1 . Top of the world

  11. 社交媒体来增加艺术电影受众也有了更好的了解。我认为在这方面,中国处于领先地位。”在谈到艺术电影的未来时,北京天空之城影视有限公司创始人兼董事长路伟表示自己非常乐观。

    now , we are understanding better how specially social media can be used and taken in art-house films to wider audiences . That 's something , that China , I think , takes a lead . " Discussing the future for art-house films , Lu Wei , Founder and CEO of Skyfilm , says he 's optimistic .

  12. 每时每刻,你不仅会受到来自天空的辐射高原之城丹佛市受到的辐射是地亚哥的两至三倍还会受到来自地下基岩铀衰变的辐射。

    Always and forever , radiation is both raining down on you from the skies striking mile-high Denver two to three times as powerfully as San Diego and floating up at you from our bedrock 's decaying uranium .