
  1. 一天在上烹饪课的时候,

    One day during cooking class ,

  2. 前几天在街上我遇到过你姨母。

    I fell across your aunt in the street the other day .

  3. 有一天在公共汽车上,她的正对面坐着位男士。

    One day a man sat opposite her on a bus .

  4. 他们决定上个星期天在湖上划船。

    They decided to go boating on the lake last sunday .

  5. 记得前些天在街上的事情吗?

    Remember what happened the other day on the street ?

  6. 我的这一天在坐上这个惊险刺激的云霄飞车后算是正式开始了。

    My day had officially begun with just a phenomenal thrill ride .

  7. 我前些天在街上碰到了戴维。

    I saw David in town the other day .

  8. 这一天在法律上不被认可。

    the extra day wasn 't legally recognized .

  9. 我前几天在课堂上拿到的那份缺了一页。

    The one I received in class the other day is missing a page .

  10. 前几天在报上有评论的历史小说。

    It 's a historical novel that was reviewed in the papers the other day .

  11. 有天在跑步机上我正在读社会学杂志上的论文

    Then one day on the treadmill , I was reading this article on Sociology Journal

  12. 这一天在市集上,有罪犯被斩首示众。

    The day there was an execution held in the market – a criminal was beheaded .

  13. 一天在大街上他遇见了一位过去曾对他不好的人。

    One day on the street he met a man who had once treated him badly .

  14. 但以理禁食祷告了二十一天在祷告上花了极大的苦工;可是没有得到答应。

    Daniel had fasted and prayed twenty-one days , and had a very hard time in prayer .

  15. 你深具表演天赋,哪天在杂志上或是电视屏幕上看到你的身影,我一点儿都不感到意外!祝好!

    Iwouldn 't be surprised to see you on some famous magazine or TV screen one day .

  16. 城市有我一片天在广场上起舞

    Dancing on the square

  17. 前几天在公车上遇见了曾经心动过的男孩,完全没有认出他来。

    Few days ago , the bus had echocardiography had met the boy , he came to fully Meiweirenchu .

  18. 我记得有一天在甲板上,是风和日丽的一天,我在他的肩头一拍,预备发令。

    I remember once , on deck , in bright day touching him on the shoulder as preliminary giving an order .

  19. 然而,一四八二年一月六日,这一天在历史上并非一个。

    The sixth of January , 1482 , is not , however , a day of which history has preserved the memory .

  20. 其中一篇报告需要在讨论这篇论文的那一天在课堂上做20-30分钟的口头报告。

    One of these papers will be presented orally for20-30 minutes in class on the day that this paper is to be discussed .

  21. 我没有像你们中的一些人那样体验过大学生活,也没有体验过那些让你们第二天在课堂上苦命挣扎的校园派对。

    I did not get to experience college like some of you or the campus parties that left you struggling the next day in class .

  22. 克林顿总统一天在街上跑步,他碰巧看见一个小女孩要把她的狗生的的小宝宝送人。

    The President is running down the street one day , and he sees a little girl who is giving away puppies that her dog just had .

  23. 他们花费了许多天在冰面上挖掘,果真发现了他们想找的&一具封冻在冰层中隐约可见的男尸。

    They spent several days excavating in the glacier before they eventually saw what they were looking for & the shadow of a man encoffined in the ice .

  24. 素颜自拍活动这两天在网络上掀起了一场风暴,由此活动募捐的善款达到令人惊讶的一百万英镑。

    The No Make Up Selfies which have taken the internet by storm over the last two days are thought to have raised a staggering £ 1 million for charity .

  25. 一天在课堂上,约翰逊老师把约翰尼叫到了讲台前,说:“约翰尼,我感觉你在这次测验中作弊了。”

    In class one day , Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk and said , " Johnny I have a feeling that you have been cheating on our test . "

  26. 新娘凯瑞说:有一天我在Facebook上看到一则广告,说要寻找一对新人举办冰火主题婚礼。

    Bride Kerry explained : I was on Facebook one evening and I saw an ad seeking couples to marry Game of Thrones style .

  27. 我梦想有一天,在CCTV上,昔日的版主能够同昔日的会员同席而坐,亲如手足。

    I dream that one day , in the CCTV , the former management to members of the same old same I sat as close as hand-foot .

  28. 一天我在镇子上看到DAN,惊异看到他的头发有些直楞楞地竖着,他的眼睫毛跟长颈鹿的一样长

    One day I saw Dan in town and start noticing the way parts of his hair refused to lie down , and his eyelashes were as long as a giraffe 's

  29. 不管哪天,在Instagram上走马观花地浏览都能看到三种照片:自拍,日落,和食物,有很多很多食物照片。

    A cursory scroll through Instagram on any given day is likely to return three types of pictures : selfies , sunsets and food . Lots of food .

  30. 因为要作一个普罗旺斯产品的市场开发推广项目,这两天便在MSN上不停地问来过或没有来过普罗旺斯的朋友:你心中的普罗旺斯是什么颜色的?

    Cause of a marketing project for a Provence local product , these few days I am asking all friends who have or have not been here a question – what is the color of Provence in your mind ?