
  • 网络Tianyuan;heaven
  1. 亲爱的穆斯林兄弟,谢谢你提出的有趣的问题,我们祈求安拉慈悯我们能够幸福愉快地居住在天园中。

    Dear brother in Islam , thanks for your interesting question and we implore Allah to grant us all a happy and blessed abode in Paradise .

  2. 在同一天傍晚园艺人的儿子骑着他的老瘸灰马到达这个喷泉。

    The same evening the gardener 's son rode up to the fountain upon his lame grey horse .

  3. 一天在伊甸园里,夏娃叫住了上帝。

    One day in the Garden of Eden , Eve calls out to God .

  4. 有一天撒旦来到伊甸园。

    One day Satan came to the Garden of Eden .

  5. 天昊·玫瑰园工程场地地基适宜性评价

    Suitability Evaluation of Field Foundation for Tianhao · Meiguiyuan Engineering

  6. 奥巴马于星期三晚间回到华盛顿,他将前往玛莎葡萄园度假十天。玛莎葡萄园是东北部麻萨诸塞州的一个岛屿。

    He returned to Washington late Wednesday , ahead of a10-day vacation to Martha 's Vineyard , an island in the northeastern state of Massachusetts .