
  • 网络Delimitation of the continental shelf;delimitation of continental shelf
  1. 对大陆架划界的几个问题的思考

    Reflection on Issues of Delimitation of Continental Shelf

  2. 在现今国际海洋法领域,大陆架划界问题颇具争议。

    Delimitation of Continental Shelf is one of the most controversial issues in the field of the international law of the sea nowadays .

  3. 论大陆架划界的法律制度

    On the Legal Regime for the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf

  4. 东海东北部大陆架划界问题研究

    Research in the Issue of Division of the Donghai Sea Continent Shelf

  5. 南海北部陆架区海域科鱼类的分布中日钓鱼岛争端与东海大陆架划界

    Sion-Japan Diaoyu Islands Dispute and the Delimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf

  6. 第二部分,大陆架划界的实践发展及国际法原则。

    Part two , the practical development and international law principles for continental shelf delimitation .

  7. 大陆架划界规则之比较

    Comparison of Continental Shelf Delimitation Rules

  8. 在此基础上,本文对如何解决中日大陆架划界争端提出了相关建议。

    This dissertation gives some suggestiones for the solution to the dispute on China East Sea delimitation .

  9. 论东海大陆架划界争议与共同开发

    The Dispute of the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf at the East Sea and the Common Exploitation of It

  10. 首先概括了两部相关的法律对大陆架划界的条文规范,其次以北海大陆架案为个案,从案例角度进行剖析,最后从国际法原则的角度又进行了补充和完善。

    This part focuses on two relevant laws , the continental shelf case of North Sea and the principle of international law .

  11. 东海大陆架划界争议已严重影响中日关系的健康发展,必须认真对待。

    The dispute of the delimitation of the continental shelf at the East Sea has damaged the relationship between China and Japan .

  12. 最后一章为南极外大陆架划界解决模式探究。

    The last chapter lays the emphasis on the exploration for the solutions patterns of delimitation of the Antarctic outer continental shelf .

  13. 体现了公平原则的《联合国海洋法公约》第56条第3款的规定对大陆架划界具有指导意义;

    Article 56 ( 3 ) of the UNCLOS embodying the equitable principle makes a guidance on how to delimitate the continental shelf .

  14. 韩国正式向联合国提交了东海大陆架划界扩充案。

    South Korea has formally submitted a claim to an extended portion of the continental shelf in the East China Sea to the United Nations .

  15. 公平原则作为大陆架划界的基本原则的地位是在国际实践中逐步确立的,并且已经成为习惯国际法的一部分。

    As a basic principle in the delimitation , equitable principle has been established gradually in international practice , and become one part of international practices .

  16. 海域划界中的成比例准则是在大陆架划界实践中形成、并在海域划界中得到广泛应用、已成为公平划界基本要求的一项准则。

    Proportionality , formulated in the practice of the delimitation of the continental shelf and applied in many maritime delimitations , has been a criterion as the basic requirement of equitable delimitation .

  17. 但是,笔者认为自然延伸原则在大陆架划界中的地位虽然受到动摇,但其仍然是大陆架划界中的一个重要原则。

    However , the author is of the opinion that even though the status of the natural prolongation principle has undermined , it is still an important principle for the continental shelf delimitation .

  18. 自上世纪70年代后期出现的大量案件和各国的划界实践发展很大程度上确实减弱了自然延伸原则在大陆架划界活动中的重要性。

    Since the late 1970s , a large number of cases and the delimitation of national practice development virtually weakened the importance of the natural prolongation principle to some extent during the continental shelf delimitation activities .

  19. 公平原则的概念不仅反映在与大陆架划界有关的国际公约中,更体现在诸多沿海国家大陆架划界的实践中,成为国际法的一部分。

    The equity concept has formed as part of international law , which is not only reflected in the delimitation of the continental shelf in international conventions , but also in many coastal countries ' delimitation practice .

  20. 第83条不是对协商原则的认定,公平原则是大陆架划界的基本原则,其他的原则、方法,只有在符合公平原则的基础上才能得以适用;

    Article 83 does not affirm the principle of consultation . Equitable principle is the fundamental principle of delimitation of continental shelf ; other principles or methods can be adopted only when they are in accordance with the equitable principle .

  21. 海洋法公约规定外大陆架划界的重要权利义务,但是无法为北极地区重叠性大陆架划界争端提供有约束力的解决方法。

    The law of the sea provides for important rights and obligations concerning the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf , but it does not provide a binding method of resolution for overlapping continental shelf disputes in the Arctic .

  22. 大陆架的划界问题与复杂多样的大陆架特征紧密相连,如相关海岸、地质地貌因素、岛屿和资源平等保护等因素。

    Delimitation of the continental shelf and the continental shelf complex and diverse characteristics are closely linked , such as the relevant coast , geological features factors , islands and equal protection of resources and other factors .

  23. 运用历史研究方法,分析我国对南海拥有主权的历史依据与法理依据,明确南海及其诸岛的主权归属及专属经济区和大陆架的划界问题。

    Using methods of historical research , analysis the historical and legal basis of sovereignty over the South China Sea , clear attribution of islands in the South China Sea and its sovereignty and delimitation of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf .

  24. 本文结合1969年之后国际法院和仲裁机构审理的一系列大陆架和海域划界案件,逐一分析大陆架划界的协议义务、自然延伸原则、等距离原则和公平原则。

    The author thoroughly analyzes the principles on the continental shelf delimitation , in conjunction with a series of cases tried by ICJ and the arbitral tribunal after 1969 . Namely , it contains the agreement obligation , natural prolongation principle , equidistance principle and the equitable principle .

  25. 东海大陆架地貌研究海沟和海槽在大陆架划界中的地位和作用

    The Research into Continental Shelf Geomorphology of the East China Sea THE POSITION AND ROLE OF A TRENCH OR TROUGH IN CONTINENTAL SHELF DELIMITATION

  26. 我国是一个沿海国,海岸线漫长,周边的大陆架资源丰富,但是同邻国和对岸国家间的大陆架划界问题进展甚微。

    China is a coastal country with a long coastline and with rich resources on continent shelf .

  27. 中国西沙群岛与越南大陆海岸之间存在海域划界问题,双方迄未在该海域进行专属经济区和大陆架划界。

    The waters between Chinas Xisha Islands and the coast of the Vietnamese mainland are yet to be delimited . The two sides have not yet conducted delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ) and continental shelf in these waters .

  28. 第一章介绍外大陆架的基本法律制度,包括大陆架的概念和历史发展并引申出外大陆架的定义和划界原则。

    The first chapter is in presentation of the main legal systems of the continental shelf , including the concept and historical development of continental shelf which extends the concept of outer continental shelf along with the principle of delimitation .