
  • 网络Gate Key;The Guards Key
  1. 他意识到他没有带大门钥匙。

    He realized that he didn 't have his door keys .

  2. 数学是打开机会大门的钥匙。

    Math is the key to the door of chances .

  3. 拟南芥&一把打开植物生命奥秘大门的钥匙

    Arabidopsis , a powerful tool for exploring the mysteries of plant kingdom

  4. 打开幸福大门的钥匙不是金钱,而是亲密关系。

    Close relationship , rather than money , is the key to happiness .

  5. 这把打开通往过去的大门的钥匙使我为之神往。

    The key that had unlocked a door into the past fascinated me .

  6. 你们带一把进大门的钥匙。

    You have a key to get in .

  7. 你可算是打开古墓的关键金钥匙啊一把可以打开古墓大门的钥匙

    You 're the key to this . Literally.The one who opens the door .

  8. 他不会的他怎么弄到大门的钥匙卡的

    He won 't. How did he get the key cards for the gate ?

  9. 他指使恶魔领主格劳尔偷走了迷宫大门的钥匙。

    The demon lord Grawl has stolen the key to the gates from the labyrinth .

  10. 我们大家打开那扇大门的钥匙,感受科学与工程学仙境的好方法。

    the rest of us to open that door and see the wonderland that is science and engineering .

  11. 那么,数学将不再成为一种障碍,而将成为打开通向更充实生活的大门的钥匙。

    Mathematics will then become not a barrier , but the key to unlock the door to a fuller life .

  12. 使民事再审事由这把打开民事再审大门的钥匙能够更好地发挥作用。

    The civil retrial cause it to open the door of the civil retrial keys to better play its role .

  13. 我会尽量提前回来的,爸爸。可以把大门的钥匙给我吗?

    I can 't get home so early , Dad Can I have the key to the front door , please ?

  14. 语文是开启文化大门的钥匙,也是协助我们取得经济利益的软件中的元素。

    Language is an integral part of culture and culture is in turn an important part of the software necessary to secure economic benefits .

  15. 你认为在相同的领域或新的领域中,工商管理硕士学位是打开新机会大门的钥匙。并且有加薪的前景。

    You see your MBA as the key to openingnew opportunities in the same field or a new field and to increasing yoursalary prospects .

  16. 有人说“钱是最好的护照”或钱是无是所不能的“或“钱是打开任何大门的钥匙”,你的看法呢?

    Somebody says " money is the best passport . " or'money will do everything'or " money is the key that opens all doors " .

  17. 打开世界大门的钥匙,毫无疑问地是问号,人生智慧就在于逢事多问几个为什么?

    The key to open the door to the world , there is no doubt is a question mark , life wisdom is that every thing to ask a few why ?

  18. 被带到最难得的精神境界和成就是一个无与伦比的礼物,而且是打开黄金时代大门的钥匙。

    To be taken into the rarest of all spiritual states and achievements is a gift beyond all gifts , and is the key to the doorway of the Golden Age itself .

  19. 所有的符号(即文字&译注)仅是通向真理大门的钥匙,而许多时期以来门没有被打开是因为钥匙显得如此伟大以致于人们看不见其后面的真理。

    All symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths , and many times the door is not opened because the key seems so great that the things which are beyond it are not visible .

  20. 玛莎文雅岛上的三分之二海滩是私人拥有的根据马萨诸塞州的法律,这就意味着一直到低潮线为止的所有权。通向联合会海滩大门的钥匙可以卖到数十万美金。

    Two-thirds of Martha 's Vineyard 's beaches are privately owned under Massachusetts law , that means down to the low-water mark and keys to the gates of association beaches sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars .

  21. 房子建好的时候,老板前来视察,然后把大门的钥匙递给他,说道:“这是你的房子……是我送给你的礼物。”老木匠惊呆了!

    When the carpenter finished his work , his employer came to the house . Then he handed the front-door key to the carpenter and said , " This is your house ... my gift to you . " The carpenter was shocked !

  22. 打开量子世界大门的金钥匙&数学方法

    The gold key to opening gate of quantum world-mathematical method

  23. 他摸摸口袋,但是大门上的钥匙忘记带在身上。

    He felt in his pockets for his latch-key , but had forgotten it .

  24. 电脑和英语被喻为打开21世纪大门的两把钥匙。

    Computer and English are considered as the two keys to the 21 ~ st century .

  25. 汉语商标翻译&一把打开世界大门的金钥匙

    On the Translation of Chinese Trademark & A Key to Open the Gate of the World

  26. 最新一本小说集《亲爱的生活》(DearLife)显然很有意思。这本书最后包括了一系列自传体小说,是打开芒罗整个作家生涯大门的一把钥匙。

    The latest one is obviously very interesting , ' Dear Life , ' which contains a number of autobiographical sketches at the end that gives a key to the entire authorship of Alice Munro .

  27. 给我开启你大门的蓝图和钥匙。

    You gimme a map and a key to your door .

  28. 公民意识,是打开现代化大门的一把钥匙。

    Citizen consciousness is the key to unlock the gate to modernization .

  29. 向你敞开大门?给你钥匙?

    Open the house up to you ? Give you the keys ?

  30. 而外语能力、理财能力、解决问题的能力是打开专业主义大门的三把钥匙。

    And foreign language ability , financial ability , problem-solving ability is to open the door to the key to professionalism .