- macroelement;majorelement

Effect of Activated Carbon , Microelement , Macroelement on Anther Culture in Tobacco
AC 's promotion of tobacco anther culture emergence was effected with macroelement and microelement 's balance level .
Mg is an essential macronutrient , and plays a key role in living organisms .
The contents of K and Ca in most of the plants are greater than that of Mg in plants .
To raise the microelement or reduce the macroelement in H deriction was favourable of the rate of emergence in the anther culture ;
The results showed that the tested three factors have significantly affected the growth of sprouts and callus .
When macro-elements in MS medium are applied for the whole amount of usage , the proliferation of Ligustrum lucidum Ait . has the highest coefficient .
The results also indicated that 1 / 2MS medium was much better for root induction than MS medium .
The contents of K and N were the highest , and those of P was the lowest in macro elements , and Mn and Fe highest and Cu lowest in microelements .
The macroelements and the microelements monthly changes are little except of Ca during growing periods . The monthly change curve of macroelements contain in the forest is " U " .
Foliar feeding of N or P and K fertilizer not only improved the corresponding nutrient status in plants , but also stimulated root uptake of the other two nutrients and increased translocation ratio of N and P to grain .
There are a number of elements in the development of a WebSphere eXtreme Scale solution that deal with issues of data retrieval , data placement , and other aspects that also need to be considered .
The results showed that when N , P , K were applied at appropriate levels , rational cooperation fertilizing B , Cu , Mo , Zn significantly enhanced peanut growth , development , and realization of production .
After plant motive 2003 was sprayed on the leaves , major element content of K , Ca , Mg in leaves increased in varying degree in contrast to check , but the difference was not significant .
The result shows the significant influence of different cultivated land use types on soil organic matter and macronutrients , exchangeable Ca , Mg , available Si , Zn , B , soil pH value and total salt content .
The MS media for seedlings virus-free culture are 1 / 4 macro-elements + 1 / 2 micro-elements and using edible sugar instead of sucrose , so the cost of media could be decreased to 48.7 % .
The results showed that the maximally required nutrients in the low yielding group are N as macroelement and Zn and Cu as microelements , respectively accounting for 52.94 % , 47.06 % and 41.18 % in their group .
Calli were produced from segments of seedling of Peucedanum dec - ursivum ( Miq . ) Maxim . cultured on the 1 / 2MS agar medium ( with half quantity of macronutrients ) containing 1 mg / 1 2,4-D.
The effect of mass element , minim element and bioactive compound ( FA ) on plant growth , yield and quality of jasmine was studied by the pot experiment and field experiment .
Phosphorus is one of the most important macronutrients required for plant growth and metabolism , and is the key component of nucleic acids , phospholipids and ATP as well as several enzymes and coenzymes .
Soil OM and N , P , K were deficient , available microelements were plentiful except B. Grape growth and the ratio of sugar and acid content were lowering with the altitude of vineyards rising , total polyphenols and tannin contents of middle altitude vineyard was highest .
If you have a lot of elements in one namespace , you can define this namespace as a default using the xmlns attribute .
Roots were induced on MS or MSB medium with a half their major elements supplement with suitable amount of NAA . The induced rooting about 80 % and survial rate of the transplants was in high frequency reached 100 % .
The number of the two types of cells varied according to the concentration of macro-and micronutrients , myo-inositol and 2.4-D in the culture medium .
The effect of the category and the concentration of hormone , the concentration of sugar and macro element , low temperature on bulblet formation and swelling were researched using plantlet of Oriental lily ' Siberia ' in tube .
However , in the macroelements excessive NH4NO3 does not favor the growth of hairy root , the accumulation and release of tanshinones .
Phosphorus ( P ) is one of the important mineral nutrients for plant growth and development in higher plants . It is an important part of a series of important compounds , such as nucleotide , nucleic acid , nucleoprotein , phospholipid , ATP enzymes , in plants .
We also compare the different effects imposed by three REEs treatments to clarify the mechanism how unique characteristics of REEs , such as 4f electron characteristic , alternation valence and the similarity to the Ca2 + , affect photosynthesis .
Method : Out the optimal hormone combinations for callus induction , adventitious bud initiation , adventitious bud multiplication and rooting were found out by using MS medium with the macroelements at half strength as basal medium and studying the effects of BA , NAA and IBA on the processes .
Proper to improve content of large number element of culture and content of trace element ( large number elements are 2 MSs , trace element for 1MS ), can improve average rhizome weight and induction rate .